(34) Dreams and Illusions

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•Katherine's Point of View•

I walked along the shiny marble floor in a huge banquet hall. I saw other people dancing, laughing, and drinking all around. There was classical music playing faintly. Everyone was dressed in expensive suits and ball gowns. I wore a long red dress, with my hair pinned back in a French twist. I could also feel a tiara pinned in the front of my hair.

Some paused and looked at me as I passed by. I was stopped by a man in a black royals outfit. He had dirty blonde hair and golden warrior eyes. His ice-cold expression on his face blended perfectly with his sharp features. The golden crown gleamed on his head, indicating that he was a king.

The music got louder and changed to a slow song. The man put one hand on my waist and clamped the other to mine. I put my other hand on his shoulder. We began to dance around the room. I didn't know how I did, because I've never slow danced with anyone before. It was as if I wasn't in control of my body.

"Aren't you a real beauty," He said.

His voice was deep and cutting-edge, as if he was crossed between demanding something of me and being bored with the conversation. Couples started to dance around us. Time seemed to slow down as we twisted and turned. The man dipped me and twirled me back up. He bowed slightly.

"Until we meet again, Katerina," the man remarked. Suddenly, he spun me around and I landed in a dancing position with another man. I looked back to see where the golden-eyed man went, but there was no sign of him. I turned back and danced with the man who I now faced.

My breath hitched. The man resembled Kai; they both had that resting regal expression on their face. But this man appealed to me more and I felt a stronger pull to him.

He had midnight black hair trimmed neatly on his head. He stared at me with his calm, icy grey eyes. His white prince suit fit him perfectly, making him truly look royal. He had a smaller crown resting in his hair, but that didn't stop him from looking fierce. He was stunningly handsome.

The man pulled closer and I didn't resist. Our faces were inches apart. He spun me around and laughed as I got lost in the music. The song slowed, and came to an end. Everyone clapped as we took our seats at a reserved table.

"You're quite the dancer, Katerina, I didn't know you had that in you," his warm voice rung in my ear.

"Well, I could say the same about you, Mister," I said back. My voice sounded different. It sounded more mature and even.

The man grabbed my hand. I smiled. "I love you, my vasílissa," he said to me. I leaned in as the man captured my lips with his.


I yawned and opened my eyes. For a second, I forgot where I was and panicked. The events of last night then came crashing back. I sighed and put my hand over my eyes.

I heard my doors open, so I put my hand down. Arke marched in. She wore a white pantsuit with her blood red hair pulled back in a tight bun. She held her clip board close to her chest as she walked to my bedside.

"Good morning, Mistress. Did you sleep well?" Arke addressed me.

"Yes," I groggily replied.

"Very good," she said as she wrote on her clipboard. She finished writing and looked up at me. "Violet and Fiona will assist you with getting ready. Then, they will escort you to breakfast."

Two young ladies stepped into my room. They were wearing matching uniforms. They bowed to me as I sat up.

"Um, okay," I said while rubbing my eyes. Arke bowed and left the room with the doors immediately shut behind her. Violet and Fiona came to the foot of my bed.

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