(23) Overprotective, Much?

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I veered off the sidewalk to a near by tree. It took me awhile to concentrate, the fluttering in my stomach just wouldn't stop.

Eventually, I made it back to Olympus. The sun was setting, leaving a coral pink color in the sky. There was bright lights coming from the market and villages. Everyone was still celebrating.

I glanced at my watch and read the time. It was 7:23 P.M. Dinner would be starting any minute now.I made my way to the dining hall. My parents were sitting down and Hades sat in a guest chair next to Poseidon.

I sat in down in my chair. For once in the past three weeks, conversation didn't stop. I was glad, and it left me to do what ever I please until dinner was served.

I pulled out my phone and the slip of paper Kai gave to me. I quietly put in his number in my contacts. I texted him, "Hey Kai. It's K."

I did this discreetly, because I definitely don't want my annoying dads going ballistic over a boy that decided to talk to me. That, and I don't feel like listening to Aphrodite croon over my love life.  I don't know, it just seems like something they would do.

I waited for Kai to respond. I pulled his jacket closer to my body. It smelled exactly like Kai. I sighed. Suddenly, a plume of smoke came out of the fire pit at the far end of the room. It's odor engulfed the room. Everyone cheered and enjoyed the smell.

Zeus said, "Let's eat!"

We all dug into the plates of ambrosia. We only have ambrosia for dinner and at parties, so of course everybody got as much as they could.

I took a piece. The square looked like a gold piece of peanut butter fudge, but it didn't taste like it. You see, ambrosia tastes like what makes you most happy.

For me, it tasted like my favorite dessert. Triple chocolate brownies with whipped cream. I took a bite, and my heart melted with pleasure.

"Is it good?" Demeter asked me. I nodded my head. I actually made an effort to communicate with her. I hate all of my parents, but I hate Demeter less. She's kind and has hope for a new beginning, as do I.

Demeter took in another whiff of the smoke from the fire and smiled.

"How can the fire smell like that? Because the last time I checked, you couldn't use scented candles to fuel a fire." I said fiercely. I smell the fire every night, I just never questioned how.

Demeter chuckled. "Well, the fire is fueled like a regular fire. The smoke smells good because it is the scent of burnt food offerings to us. That's why only we can smell it's goodness."

"Huh, okay. But who makes the food offerings to us?"

"The campers at Camp Half-Blood, of course. They know we like the smell, so they burn food for us at every meal."

"In order to smell the scent, do you have to have a camper dedicate the offering to you?"

"Yes. Which means," her eyes shined with pride, "Some campers respect you."

My phone buzzed on my leg. Demeter turned away and plunged into a conversation with Artemis. I fumbled to grab my phone. I don't understand why they consider vibrate to be "silent". It's practically louder than the phone ringing.

Kai answered, Hey. What's up?

I texted back, Having dinner with the fam. So bored

Kai quickly responded. I wish I was there with you.

I blushed. Yeah, me too. What are you doing?

Just chilling out at my place. You should come over.

I don't think my parents would let me sneak away from dinner. You know how they are with their 'morals of family bonding time'. Maybe another time :)

Oh ok. I was hoping you had super cool parents that let you do whatever and then disappeared into the night with puffs of smoke

I giggled out loud and sent back, I wish. Everyone around me stopped talking and looked at me weird. I guess giggling is not in my nature.

"What's so funny?" Athena asked sternly, leaning on the table. I paused. I lock my phone and set it on my leg. Everyone had a serious expression on their face.

"None of your business." I spat.

"Somebody's got an attitude." Aphrodite muttered. I scoffed, look who's talking.

"Who were you texting?" Artemis joined in.

"Does it really matter? I have the right to speak to whoever want, when I want. You don't have that control over me."

Hades and Zeus exchanged glances. By now, everyone was listening attentively, even Dionysus.

"Really now? Does it even occur to you that we are your parents? We have control over you. That does include who you are allowed to speak to." Hera said in the 'mother tone'.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever." Apollo's jaw dropped and Hermes covered his mouth.

"Is this certain someone a friend? More importantly, a BOYFRIEND?" Zeus emphasized boyfriend.

"If you mean that they are my friend, and a boy, then yes. A boyfriend, though? No. Not yet, anyway." I sighed and thought about Kai. He is just really dreamy.

"Well that's nice to know. Now hand over your phone." Hades said firmly. My moms and dads nodded in agreement. Are they serious?

"You're all acting like 5 year olds. I thought you would've grown up by now. The childish act just doesn't suit you." I said smugly. They were getting on my nerves.

"Oh, we're the ones acting childish? Yea, right." Hermes said.

"Hand over the phone, Katherine. Now." Zeus said.

"No. You're not the boss of me." Demeter and Hephaestus gasped.

"We're not the boss of you? We are your parents! You have to do what we say! No arguments or debates! What part of that don't you comprehend?" Poseidon answered raising his voice.

I gave them all a hard stare. "You need to calm down. Who cares if I'm talking to a boy. I'm 18 years old, I have the freedom to. You're all over reacting."

Ares scoffed and shook his head. "We're trying to do what's best for you. If it means not allowing you to talk to a boy, then so be it. Hand over the phone." Dionysus said. I didn't care. The fire in my chest was burning wild now.

I snapped. "I am not giving you my phone! It is my property, and I do what I want with it! You all are aggravating and a waste of my time! So can you all stay the hell out of my life! You're meaningless to me!" I stormed out the room and shadowed travelled far away from them.

A Pawn For Time (Daughter of the Olympians #1)Where stories live. Discover now