(44) For Whom the Bell Tolls

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•A/N When the dentist numbs half your mouth -_- I'm talking with a lisp•

•Katherine's Point of View•

I walked down the sidewalk in a daze. A lot of things were going through my mind.

The main things were:
Why is there an attack happening that I didn't know about?
Why was I cursed with being a hemophiliac?
Why is the sky orange?
When was the last time I ate food?

In all honesty, I didn't have an answer to any of those questions.

I reached the back entrance, which was being guarded by two servants. As I stepped up, they clenched the knives in their hands.

"No one gets in or out of here without permission, lady. Get lost," The left guard told me as I went to brush past them.

"I think I'm an exception," I briskly stated as I crossed my arms. The right guard scoffed at me.

"Why would you think that doll face? Are you one of Zeus' floozies?" Righty spat at me. Lefty roared with laughter, and Righty followed.

"No, actually. I'm his daughter," I retorted. They stopped laughing. Their grins turned to an scared grimace.

"Princess Kater- I'm so sorry I didn't realize! Please forgive me, please reconsider this..." The guards pleaded. I put my hands on my hips.

"Let me through," I commanded. They scurried away from the door. I made a hmph sound and trotted through.

I heard a loud crash coming from the the war council room. Lots of bickering voices followed up.

I turned and walked into the room. All eyes went to me.

"Katherine! Where have you been?" Hera asked me from the ground. She was helping pick up what I assume was dropped.

"Nowhere, really. What's going on?" I asked, changing the subject. I couldn't hint them to my problems.

"We're in the middle of war," Zeus said as he scanned the maps in front of him. Everyone was sitting around him. He looked up from the table.

"You're hurt," He said. Apollo sat up from his chair. Poseidon gave me a sideways glance.

"I'm fine," I lied. I mentally slapped myself.

"Well, at least let me clean up the blood," Apollo said, getting out of his chair.

"I'll help," Demeter chirped. I followed them out of the war council room. We went to the infirmary. I plopped onto one of the beds.

Apollo went behind a desk and started to look for something. Demeter came up to me with a wipe.

"Where were you really, Katherine?" Demeter asked softly as she wiped my face.

"How is it that only you can see through my lies and attempts to get out of things?" I grumbled. Demeter shrugged.

"You have to promise to not tell anyone. Both of you," I said.

Wow, I was really taking a leap of trust here. It didn't matter to me that much, though. I knew that if I really had to choose some of my parents to keep a secret, Apollo and Demeter would be one of them. I know, strange. Perks of having bipolar disorder, dudes.

"We swear on the River Styx," Apollo and Demeter said in unison. Thunder boomed outside. I took a deep breath.

"I was captured," I hesitated, "By Kai."

Demeter stopped wiping my face. Her eyes shone with deep anger and hatred.

"He did this to you?" She said accusingly. I nodded. Demeter's bright green eyes changed to a metallic forest green.

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