(21) Meeting My Siblings

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I woke up and looked at the time. 10:54 A.M. I sighed and rolled out of bed. I walked into my closet and got dressed. My shoulders popped as I slipped on my shirt, reminding me of the event that occurred last night.

I was sore all over and it hurt to look at light. If I didn't know any better, I'd think I was hungover.

I slipped on some sunglasses and walked out my room towards the throne room. There was no sense in stopping by the dining hall considering I missed breakfast.

I walked in silently and sat on a guest throne next to Aphrodite. I leaned on my elbow, resting my head.

All conversation was stopped. I had my eyes closed, but I still knew everyone was staring. Zeus (I assumed) cleared his throat and continued what he was saying before.

"Today we gather on December 22, 1990, to discuss new business. Everyone, if you haven't noticed, Hades has joined us today," Zeus said carefully, trying not to mess up one word. I kept my eyes closed.

"Also, today we have our campers touring Olympus."

That got my attention. "Campers? What campers?" I said pushing off my elbow.
Everyone stared at me. My outburst must of caught everyone off guard.

"Um, the campers of Camp Half Blood," Zeus said.

I nodded, sinking back into my throne. Why did I think they would be visiting? These are Greek gods, they were Roman demigods. They didn't belong here.

"Well now that you mentioned it, the campers are demigods, our children," Athena said, "That means they are your half siblings, Katherine."

"Cool, more family," I said monotone.

"You can leave, if you want. Go meet them, I mean," Zeus said.

I raised my eyebrows and turned my glance towards Hades. He knew that I didn't want to go, but he still motioned me to leave with his head.

I got off my throne and trudged out. I didn't know exactly where all these campers were, so I sat on the steps outside the palace.

I still had my sunglasses on, so everything looked shaded. The city was filled with people. The market, as always, was buzzing with promotion.

I was bored and I started to doze off. Suddenly, Kronos's voice echoed in my head shaking me out of the drowsiness.

Child, the campers of Camp Half-Blood are very important in our plan to take down your parents.

How so? I thought back.

Many are resentful of them not paying any attention to them, like you are. Most feel unwanted by their parent. They would love to see them be  overthrown.

So what do you want me to do?

I want you to find those demigods who feel resentful. Don't tell them about me or the plan, just get a good idea of who we could maybe trust later on and report back to me. The fate of our plot is resting on you, Katherine.

Alright, I'll do it.

Good. Now here they come.

A group of kids wearing orange t-shirts walked towards me. I stood up to greet them.

"Hey everyone. I'm Katherine. I'm assuming you're from Camp Half-Blood?"

They nodded in awe. A boy about 11 looking stepped up to face me.

"You're Katherine, as in Katherine the daughter of all the Olympians and Hades?" He asked curiously.

"Yea, that's me." Everyone turned to each other whispering excitedly. I stood there kind of uncomfortable, and waited for them to finish.

Eventually they calmed down. I cleared my throat and continued to follow my orders.

"So have you guys seen everything here, yet? It's just beautiful."

"Yea, we have. The architecture of this place is to die for! Whoever designed it was genius!" A little girl with blonde hair said. A daughter of Athena, I presumed.

"Ok, well since you've already seen the city, and you know me, how about we introduce ourselves. Ya know, since there's not a lot of you." I said courtly, trying to make it seem like I was very interested in what I was saying.

Everyone got in a line and stepped forward when they introduced themselves. There were about 12 of them, all pre-teens.

A boy with red hair stepped forward. "I'm T.J. Son of Ares." He stepped back.

A girl with long blonde hair and designer clothes stepped up. "I'm Kaylee, Daughter of Aphrodite, if that wasn't obvious," she said mentioning towards her clothes.

The boy who asked me the first question stepped up. "I am Aaron, son of Apollo."

It continued like this while I stood and figured out who was who. Out of this group, I mapped out everyone. I had:

T.J.- Son of Ares

Kaylee- Daughter of Aphrodite

Aaron- Son of Apollo

Lily Rose- Daughter of Demeter

Spencer and Maddie- Daughters of Athena (Maddie was who answered me)

Jeremy- Son of Hermes

Hanna, Brandon, Mary, Fletcher, and Rhett- Unclaimed

So for sure, I had at least 5 possible recruits for our plan. Usually the unclaimed get resentful the quickest. They all seemed older than the rest, meaning they have probably been waiting longer to be claimed. Excellent.

"Well, now that we know everyone, let's go visit our parents," I said leading them up the stairs.

Once we got the the doorway, I motioned them to stop, and walked in to make sure my parents weren't fighting and attempting to kill each other.

They hardly noticed me (shocker there, note the sarcasm) so I led the demigods through. They were fascinated with them. I chuckled. We walked across the room and made it back outside.

"Wow, that was so cool! Did you see my mom? She looked amazing," Spencer blabbed to Lily Rose, who nodded and smiled in return.

"Yea, but did you see my mom's throne? It is gorgeous," Lily Rose said back. Both girls giggled.

They all buzzed like Spencer and Lily Rose towards each other, so excited that they got to see the gods of Olympus.

"Katherine, you are sooo lucky. I would kill to live here everyday. Especially to live here with the gods."Maddie told me. The others nodded in agreement.

"It's really not that cool, they get annoying after a while." The campers laughed and the sky rumbled.

"Sorry Dad!" I yelled into the sky with fake sincerity. The campers laughed harder.

"You must really love and have a good relationship with them. I could never do that!" Jeremy said.

"Yep, I just love them so much!" They nodded. If only they knew the truth....

A Pawn For Time (Daughter of the Olympians #1)Where stories live. Discover now