(31) Mistress?

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•A/N Thank you all for the 3K views! It's insane to reach that high of a number for my first story. Of course, this chapter is dedicated to everyone!•

We landed outside a small town. From the looks of it, the town was abandoned. Doors and windows to shops were boarded with wood. The sidewalks had lots of plants growing through the cracks. The place had an eerie feeling in the air.

Kai grabbed my hand and started to walk. I followed without saying anything. We walked on the road following  the opposite direction of the town.

We were in the middle of nowhere. Along the road were tall grass and trees here and there. Kai had a focused look on his face. I wondered what he was thinking.

Eventually, we reached a patch of gravel. Kai looked around before pulling me to face the gravel patch.

"Here we are. Welcome to the base," Kai said gesturing to the space of nothingness. I raised my eyebrows.

"Um, what?" I questioned. Kai got behind me and put his hands on my back. He pushed me to the edge of the road.

The moment my foot touched the gravel, an entire building and battle ground appeared. I saw people sparring and shooting bows. Groups of people jogging like a fitness group passed us.

"Woah," I said taking it all in. Kai smiled smugly.

"Come on," Kai said pacing towards the building.

"Where are we going?" I asked walking with him.

"Headquarters," he said lifting his hand to the building, "There's people who want to meet you."

I shrugged and followed along.


I walked down the long hallway of the headquarters. I glanced into some of the open doorways. There were people on computers and there were people training.

"I didn't know we had so many recruits already," I said in awe.

"Yea, me either. Kronos has been sending more scouts, I guess," Kai replied.

We stood in front of two large double doors. There were two men standing with weapons on each side of the door. Guards, I assumed.

Kai nodded his head and the two guards opened the doors. We walked in.

The room had a huge circular table with chairs around the rim. There was a huge projector on the middle of the table that flashed holograms.

On the far end of the room, there was a big window over looking the outdoor trainers. Along the walls were maps and weapons. There were flat screen tv's mounted on each wall. In the corner of the room was a fountain that spayed mist.

I was so into the design of the room that I didn't even realize there were people occupying the chairs, and that they were speaking to me. Kai nudged me.

"Huh?" I said to no one in particular. Everyone around the table laughed.

"She's a keeper, alright," a burly man said to the woman on his right.

Kai nodded his head. I gave him a look of confusion. He responded by giving me a look that said I got this.

"Indeed. Everyone this is Katherine," Kai said pushing me forward.

"Uh, yeah, hi," I said uncomfortably. I waved my hand briefly. The woman who sat next to the burly man stood up and walked to me. She grabbed my hands.

"It's so good to finally meet you, we've heard so much," she said shaking my hands.

"Hemera, primordial deity of day," Kai introduced to me. Hemera smiled and let go of my hands, making her way back to her seat.

A Pawn For Time (Daughter of the Olympians #1)Where stories live. Discover now