(9) Camp Jupiter

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I was walking down a dark hallway. I could see a dim light at the end, but it seemed too far away. All of a sudden, I could see people everywhere mourning and crying in sorrow. I didn't understand, so I tried to call out, but my voice didn't work. Something hit me from behind, hard.

The setting shifted. I was now watching two men in the middle of a conversation.

One man had a sharply trimmed black hair with a beard and electric blue eyes.

The other had slightly messy black hair, like it was swept by a breeze, and green eyes.

Both had strong auras. They seemed deeply concentrated in their words. I listened to their conversation, but it confused me more than ever.

  "She's somewhere in the world, brother, I can sense it," the green eyed man said.

   "Well your sense is off then! She's gone, and never coming back. We have spoke of this before. Now never mention  this again. EVER," the other man said.

   "But Ze..." the green eyed man stiffened up and cut short.

"Do you feel that?" he continued, "Someone is watching us."

Both men looked around, then the blue eyed one seemed to look directly at me. He raised his hand, and something flew at me.


  I jerked awake and hit my head on something, or should I say someone.

"Ow," Octavian said, rubbing his forehead, "I didn't mean to wake you." I looked around and saw that we were no longer in the alleyway.

We were in a room, I guess an infirmary. It had white walls and  oak wood floors. There were other beds next to me and shelves lined the walls. The shelves were filled with doctor equipment and medicine. The shelves and its content were glazed with dust.

"Where are we?" I asked. I rubbed my head, still sore from hitting Octavian.

"Camp Jupiter," Octavian responded, "the camp I told you about."

I nodded and started to climb out the bed. Octavian attempted to help me, but I brushed him off. I, surprisingly, felt fine. We walked out the room and I took in the scenery.

"Where are we?" I asked again.

"I told you, Camp Jupiter."

"Where is Camp Jupiter?"

"Oh," Octavian said, "California."

I looked at him puzzled and tried to comprehend how we got from New Orleans to California. I asked him the date. May 13. Two days after we were in New Orleans. I continued to ask how and why about things I didn't understand, but Octavian cut me off.

"Can you be quiet for a minute!" He said. I shut my mouth then opened it again to ask where we were going.

"We are going meet the praetors Reyna and Michael." He said their names with a little bit of disgust and jealousy. "They will explain everything to you."

Joy, I thought, more people. Honestly, I was perfectly fine sitting alone in Louisiana. I could have stayed there, but I had a feeling that I wasn't going to go back there in a really long time.

A/N Sorry for the short chapter. It was rushed a little bit. I tried to squeeze in an Update for you guys. Please comment below for any questions or statements for me.

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