(35) Death Wishes

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–A/N If you didn't know (or didn't remember) today is Katherine's birthday (February 29, 2016)! According to this date, she is 44 (11 years old if you want to get technical). I'm sure most of you are confused about her age, but trust me, it'll make sense later–

13 months later: January, 1992
•Katherine's Point of View•

I stood facing the window in my office. I had the center curtain open so I could observe what was happening.

"Mistress, we have spotted a group of intruders in the East wing," Arke reported from behind me.

"Well, capture them! Bring them to me immediately," I commanded harshly. Arke nodded her head and scurried out to carry on her message. I put my hands behind my back and clamped them together.

I, of course, already knew that there were intruders, and I knew exactly what they were after. Testing your security is always necessary now and then. I could sense the intruders making their way down the hallway of the East wing, where they would be stopped my my guards.

They would be stripped of their powers and tied up before being brought to me. Their auras unnerved me, which gave me the heads up of who they were.

Running down the East wing, I'm afraid, was half of the Olympian council.

•Zeus's Point of View•


My group and I ran down the long corridor. I swooped down to avoid an arrow aimed at my back.

"We need to find it! Run faster!" Hades yelled as we turned the corner. I quickened my pace, as did my team.

It was Athena's brilliant plan to split up the council to cover more ground. My team took the East wing, hers took the West. We practically vowed to save Katherine, and finding the key to their plan was a huge part in it. We couldn't afford to fail.

In my group was me, Hades, Artemis, Ares, Hermes, and Demeter. We were considered the more defensive team.

We sped down the hallways, looking for the right door. Arrows and bullets were flying everywhere, making me irritated. Guards shouted with anger every time they missed. One bullet hit me in my shoulder. I cried out, but kept running.

We made another turn. Suddenly, we were stung by a strong ray. I gasped as I felt my power drain. Guards quickly yanked my hands together and chained them.

I tried to fight back, but I felt so weak. The guard's grip was very strong, and it left a bruise on my skin.

The guards pushed us forward, despite our thrashing. They dragged us up and down many hallways before we reached a set of golden double doors.
The guards let go of us, causing us all to fall on the ground.

"Get up," one of them hissed at us, "The Mistress doesn't like when her prisoners show their weakness."

The golden doors opened as we stood. A black room came to view. I cautiously looked at Hades. He shrugged in reply. His face was drained, making him look paler than usual. Together we led the group into the inky black room.

•Hades' Point of View•

We inched forward into the black room. The doors shut quickly behind us, making us jump with edge. I looked around thinking where the heck am I? In all truthfulness, I had no idea.

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