(36) Interrogation

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•A/N Right now I'm on my way to Houston (which is a 5.5 hour long drive from where I live, I might add). I am SUPER BORED AND ANNOYED so I decided to update. Enjoy!•

•Katherine's Point of View•

I groaned as I regained consciousness. The bright light hurt my eyes so I lifted my hand to shield it. Well, I tried anyway. I tried again to lift my hands, but they stayed in place.

That's when I realized that my wrists were bound to the armrest of the chair I was sitting in. My ankles were bound to the legs. I jerked to try to escape, but their was no use.

I glanced around. I was in a grey cement room with no windows. The only difference in the blandness of the room was the big wooden door with a small hole cut in it with bars.

"Nice to see you're awake," A voice said from behind the door. I heard clicks and the door opened.

In front of me stood one of the last people I ever wanted to see again: Apollo.

"You locked me in a prison cell?!" I angrily yelled at him. He folded his arms and stepped into the room. As he took his first step, the air rippled like he stepped past a force field. I growled at the thought.

"We had no choice, Katherine. We don't exactly trust you, after all you've done," He said with a bounce of disgust.

"Whatever," I snarled. Apollo and I held eye contact for a few seconds. I gave him my best death glare. He averted his eyes away quickly.

I sat up on my seat. I yanked my wrists and ankles up again, using all of my strength. Nothing happened. I tried to use my powers, with no prevail.

"I suggest you stop trying to break free. Those ropes get tighter and extract more poison each time you push against them. We also took your powers, so don't get any ideas."

I slumped in my chair giving up. My arms and calves felt like lead from the straining. The poison ropes rubbed my skin raw, and made it start to blister.

Footsteps came from down the hallway. The rest of the Olympians and Hades entered the room. I let my eyes droop. I felt a migraine coming on.

"Katherine," Hera greeted me with no emotion.

"Olympians. Hades," I responded using the same tone.

"Do you know why you're here?" Athena questioned me while tilting her head.

"Because you kidnapped me and brought me here, which might not have been the greatest move on your part, if I do say so myself," I sighed. Athena glared at me.

"So why am I here then?" I asked them.

"We need answers," Zeus spoke carefully, "And it seems to me that you have a lot of them."

I clinched my jaw. So that's how this is going to be.

"Fine. But what will I get in exchange for telling you information?"

"Your freedom and powers." I rolled my eyes and looked up. I shut my eyes while I debated my options. I exhaled and nodded my head.

"And you have to give an honest answer, otherwise I'll make sure more of that poison is extracted into you," Hades said darkly. He pulled out a gun, which no doubt had poison bullets.

"More torture? My, my, you guys have a dark side. I like it," I said with weak humor. Athena walked to me with her hands behind her back. She stopped in front of me, and before I could get a word out, she dug a wooden stake in my hand.

I howled. The pain sent an icy cold wave through my body. I panted, attempting to catch my breath. I slowly wiggled my fingers to see how deep the stake went in. I flinched as the stake moved deeper, sending another cold wave of pain.

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