(38) Revelations

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•Katherine's Point of View•

"Kronos?" I asked. My voice got caught in the wind. I was standing in the middle of a raging storm. Lightning danced across the sky as I was drenched with rainwater.

"Where are you! I know you're here. We need to talk," I snapped louder than before. I couldn't see anything. A clap of thunder from above made me jump. I walked forward a couple of steps, but I was pulled back by a strong grip on my arm.

I turned and faced the culprit. It was Kronos. His gold eyes burned into me with anger. I yanked away from his grip and gulped at his fury.

"Why did you betray me?!" He yelled at me.

I put a hand over my chest. I could feel my heartbeat flutter. That's what his face is about. There's been a misunderstanding.

"I didn't betray you, you dolt!" I shouted above the storm. Kronos' angered expression softened and changed a bit in confusion.

"I saw that breakdown, Katerina. I'm not an idiot," He snapped at me, though he temporarily seemed unsure with his words.

For some reason, I suddenly felt a feeling of joy. I smiled evilly, causing Kronos to eye me questionably.

"It was all an act! Everything I said was fake. All I was trying to do was to let them cave and bring me in again. It was a trick," I explained while still smiling.

Kronos shook his head. "How do I know you're speaking the truth?"

"Why would I lie to you, Kronos? Don't you trust me?" I asked, started to feel uneasy. My smile faded as I swallowed the emotion.

Kronos' Adam's Apple bobbed up and down. "I'm just saying. What if this is a trick and you're actually spying for the Olympians? How can I know?"

"My word isn't enough? Wow, thanks," I said sarcastically.

"You're 'acting' was pretty convincing, Katerina. I believed that you had abandoned us. If you're really telling the truth, I want you to prove your loyalty. Now,"Kronos boomed harshly.

I blew a strand of hair out of my face and looked at him.

"Fine." I said.

Before Kronos could say anything else, I marched to him and planted a firm kiss on his lips. His lips wavered in a moment of hesitation, then pushed against mine. I kissed him hungrily. It had been a while since we had  last kissed one another.

Kronos pulled back, breaking the kiss. I stared him in the eye, daring him to say something.

"Do you believe me now?" I whispered. His hot breath brushed against my face, warming me in the cold rain.

Kronos' typical icy expression melted a bit. "I suppose."

I bit my lip, stopping my smirk. The butterflies in my stomach continued to flutter tremendously. Kronos moved his hand across my waist, causing me to shiver. I gripped his neck.

A Pawn For Time (Daughter of the Olympians #1)Where stories live. Discover now