(42) I'm About To Die? Typical.

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•A/N I hate state testing

•Katherine's Point of View•

I must of passed out sometime during the ride to wherever, which probably wasn't the smartest thing to do.

I woke up to Kai slapping me across the face. It felt like cold water was dosed on me. I jerked my eyes open.

"What was that for?" I groaned. Kai shrugged.

" 'Cause I felt like it. You looked too peaceful," He said.

I took in the room around me: metal walls, no furniture, at least a 12 foot ceiling. There was a strip of glass at the top of the room where Kai could look down at me.

I was chained to the wall. My wrists were bound tightly. My ankles held shackles, which are never a good fashion choice.

The chains around my wrists were short, so they lifted my entire body
off the ground.

A chill went down my spine. I realized that I was no longer wearing my gown from the party. Instead, I was dressed in ripped jeans and a black tank top. I really didn't want to know how my clothes were changed.

"So are we going to chat or are you just gonna get this over with," I dragged. He shrugged.

"Well since you're so eager," Kai said. Before I could register what he was doing, his fist connected with my jaw.

I made a hmph sound as he hit me. I moved my jaw around a bit, trying to not concentrate on it throbbing.

Kai walked out the room. I glanced up from the ground. He reappeared at the observatory, I guess you could say.

"You deserve everything you're getting," Kai said through the microphone. He pulled a lever, and I screamed.

Bolts of electricity shot at me from every direction. Normally, I can absorb it to where it can't harm me. But this electricity was different; it felt darker and stronger. I clinched my entire body up.

Suddenly, the electricity stopped. I loosened up and dropped my shoulders. I panted as sweat dripped down my face.

"So why'd you go all 'traitor mode' on Kronos?" Kai asked, as if we were just having a normal conversation. I glared at him.

"I was tired of being a pawn for him," I lied. Might as well keep it going. I mean, I've come this far. I feel like I was actually starting to believe that. I shook my head. Kai pursed his lips.

"Huh," He said, "Took you long enough."

"What's that supposed to me-"

Another storm of electricity poured on me. I screamed as if it was the last thing I could do. The electricity stopped. I gasped for air.

"You will not question me," He growled. I gave him my famous are you serious? look. Kai batted his lashes in reply, attempting to look innocent.

"You aren't allied with Kronos, so you're helping the Olympians?" He asked taking a sip of a can of Pepsi, which appeared in his hand.

I paused. I'm currently mad at Kronos, seeing as he most likely knew about Kai escaping, but not enough to completely switch sides. I still resent the Olympians. I could never help them. Ever.

"I'm not helping anyone," I finalized my lie. Kai raised his eyebrows. His grip on the lever loosened.

"Why?" He asked. He sounded genuinely intrigued.

"I don't like how Kronos treated me in some situations. He made me feel so... I don't know the word..."

"Evil? You didn't like how evil he made you feel?" Kai answered. I shrugged. To be honest, I loved the thrill of doing evil. I loved it like a drug.

"More or less. As for the Olympians," I said, "They don't fight for the right things. My beliefs and their beliefs are on two different scales."

"Well, that's obvious. The Olympians are selfish. They fight for whatever benefits them the most. Sooner you realize that, the better."

Kai pulled the lever. Needless to say, this time I jumped out of my skin. The shocks and burns seemed to hit harder, like hot boulders were being thrown at me. It stopped. I sweated buckets, and tried to remember how to breathe again.

"I forgot how much I tolerated talking to you. Too bad you had to go and compromise my entire existence by your stupidity," Kai said smugly. I looked away.

"At least I know this time that I'll leave you will more than just a scar," Kai sneered. He finished his Pepsi and it disappeared. Kai got up and made his way back to me.

His cold grey eyes reminded me of Thanatos. I felt a pang of sadness, seeing as I might never see him again. I could tell we were going to be great friends.

Kai pulled out a dagger. I braced myself and put on an unreadable expression. Kai stepped closer to me and traced the dagger along my cheek, leaving a red line of blood.

I winced, but didn't cry out. He traced the dagger all over my face, and my upper torso. He hummed to himself, unfazed by the fact that my face was covered in blood.

"Kronos always said that you had a pretty face. I wonder what he thinks now," Kai joked. I shut my eyes.

"You know, Kronos always had the likes for you," Kai started. I opened my eyes and glared at him. He ignored me and kept talking.

"He was head-over-heels for you! In fact, he still is. You have no idea how much it killed him on the inside to see you leave him," Kai babbled.

I cringed, as if the idea revolted me. I mean, technically speaking, I am dating my grandfather. That's why you shouldn't think about these things too hard.

"He thought that if you were killed, he could find a way to bring you back to life and be immortal," Kai explained.

"Basically what you're saying is that he was going to make me a vampire," I summed up. Kai pulled a face.

"No such things exist. Although, you would make a sexy vampire."

I gagged. "Can you kill me already? Please! I'd rather a dagger shot into my heart than you to fantasize over me being an undead blood vacuum," I grimaced. Kai grinned.

"I'm pretty positive that he was going to tie you to his immortality, that way you guys could be together forever," Kai cooed.

"That's better than being tied to you forever," I said. Kai's face darkened.

"It's not like our one night stand was bad. It was incredible. Don't deny it," He said with an edge.

I rolled my eyes. "It's really easy to when you're so pervy about it."

Kai's eye twitched and he stabbed me in the gut with the dagger. I screamed in pain. My eyes were shut so tight that tears were coming out.

"We would've made a great couple," He whispered. Kai shot daggers at me, then left the room.

I cried out as the dagger settled in my gut. I hoped and prayed that someone was coming to rescue me from this pervert.

~A/N This chapter was really rushed. I tried my best on it, but I had a huge writer's block. Not to mention, it's been raining really hard in South Louisiana, so the electricity has been going in and out. It was difficult to update. I'll try to update again ASAP, but no promises that it will be quick.

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