(39) Is Normal Too Much to Ask For?

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•Katherine's Point of View•

I was let out of the infirmary three days ago. Currently, I'm laying on a bench in Demeter's garden, staring at the sky. I'm left with only my thoughts these days, so I always try my best to recap the latest events.

Ever since I've left the infirmary, my parents have been acting slightly strange. But what's new?

I can tell that they are planning something. They aren't the best at covering things up. I'd walk in on them talking and ask what's up. They would stutter and avoid me for the rest of the day.

But that was the case for only some of them. Unlike Athena, Hera, Zeus, and Hades, they could never lie to my face. I'm not too worried about their behavior, though.

Lately, I have been focusing on me. Ever since I began acting like I rejoined my parents side, I've had nightmares about my death, and my killer. Also, I've seen memories of fallen demigods during battle. I didn't understand why. It's not like there's actually anyone coming to kill me.... right?

I've been working on my attitude as well. Thanks to all those months in isolation as Mistress, I've grown darker on the inside. It's as if my heart is frozen solid. I have a great difficulty feeling happy emotions. It was as if I had nothing inside. Just emptiness, coldness, and lack of anything substantial.

I thought back to my times as Mistress. Sure, everyone treated me well, but I was bitter. I shut everyone down; refused to show emotion. I was cruel. I knew that behind my back everyone called me the ice queen.

I sighed. There's no point in dwelling on the past. I moved my head in boredom. Did I mention that I'm under house arrest? I'm not allowed to leave Olympus or communicate with anyone outside of Olympus.

I sighed. Olympus can be really boring if you don't have temples or shrines to check up on. It sucks even more considering I'm supposed to keep up this act for awhile.

Swarms of unease have been circling my gut for days now. I forgot that when I'm around Olympus, I remember all of the good things about it. I keep finding it harder to act like I want to be here. Secretly, in the back of my mind, I think I do. Why does everything have to be so complicated?

I sat up and attempted to smooth down my mane of curly hair. My fingers got stuck as I ran them through my hair. I puffed and gave up.

"Katherine?" I heard someone call. Demeter rounded the corner of the wall of bushes surrounding the fountain and bench.

"Mmh? What's up?" I asked. I said it as sweetly as I could, which wasn't really that sweet at all. Thank you for the deep commanding voice, Kronos. I really appreciate it.

"The council wishes to speak to you," She said. Her voice shook, letting me know that she was nervous. I stood and followed her quietly.

We reached the throne room. Demeter grew to her normal 20-foot-tall self and sat on her throne. They took away my throne after I left, and they never put it back, so I awkwardly stood in front of the U-shaped thrones.

I folded my arms. Zeus moved his gaze to me.

"Katherine, there's something we need to ask you," Zeus said. He shifted in his seat.

"In honor of your return, we were thinking that we should celebrate," He said slowly, waiting for my reaction. I scrunched my eyebrows together.

A Pawn For Time (Daughter of the Olympians #1)Where stories live. Discover now