(43) Know Your Frenemies

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Katherine's Point of View•

The dagger settled in my gut, leaving a long river of blood dripping down my stomach. The blood loss left me in a state of wooziness. I felt my fingers go numb.

"How I love to see you suffer," Kai said, rejoining me in the room. He walked forward and tilted his head at the dagger.

"Let me help you with that," He said, grabbing the dagger and pulling it up. I bit my tongue and tried my best not to scream. Kai let go.

"You jerk," I snapped at him. He simply smiled.

"I try to be," Kai replied. He rocked back on his heels and scrunched his eyebrows.

"Say," He started, "Where do you think your rescue team is? I assume that they know your missing by now. They must've sent someone—"

He saw the doubt in my eyes, "Unless they don't care that you're going to die, or they haven't noticed."

I avoid eye contact. I didn't believe that they were going to come. Sure, I technically acted like I was on their side now. Though I did try to kill them multiple times. Why help me now?

"How long," My voice faltered, "How long have I been locked in here?"

Kai sneered at me. "One week."

That remark almost knocked me to insanity. Of course my parents aren't coming. They don't trust me. Or was Kai just messing with me?

"Don't be too distraught," He said, trying to be reassuring.

Something changed in his face. Kai shut his eyes, and swayed like he was going with the wind. I've felt what came over him before. He was being called upon.

After a few seconds, he grudgingly opened his eyes. Kai seemed almost... angry.

"Kronos wants to speak to you," Kai said between his gritted teeth. I gulped.

Kai's face hardened. His face was bright red with anger. I wondered if steam was going to come out his ears.

Before I could make a snarky comment, Kai smacked the hell out of me and I went unconscious. 


I took hold of my bearings and realized what was about to unfold.

Kronos stood across from me. His appearance made me hold my breath. His hair was sticking up every which way, and his eyes were wide and wild. He looked like a madman.

"Katerina," He greeted, almost sounding thankful. I nodded in response.

"What do you need?" I asked with an unreadable tone. I folded my arms. I was still angry at him for not telling me about Kai.

"I have a plan," He said with a crazy light blaring in his eyes. I motioned for him to continue.

"I've decided that I'm not going to let Kai kill you."

I was taken aback. "What do you mean? I thought that he came because of fate. I know deep down that you want to shut me up for what I know," I said cooly.

Kronos's face softened and he cupped my cheek with his hand. I barely acknowledged the motion.

"I can't bare the thought of losing you," Kronos whispered, "I thought I could handle it if Kai killed you. I love you. I can't have you die on me."

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