(45) Hello and Goodbye

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•A/N School's finally over! I'm planning on doing nothing this summer lol

•Katherine's Point of View•

I teleported away from the throne room, leaving my parents alone. As I drifted through the air, I felt a strong pull downward, as if someone was pulling my foot down.

I landed on the ground with a hmph. I swayed, then regained my surroundings. I was about half a mile from the base. I could see the tents and fires.

My head spun, which was a side affect of teleporting. I was not ready for what was about to go down.

Standing in front of me was the last person I expected to delay anything I do.

"Thanatos? What are you doing?" I asked.

"Stopping you from doing something stupid," Thanatos said. I raised my eyebrows.

"Like what?"

"Marching into that base and surrendering."

"You don't know anything about what's going to happen, so if you excused me," I brushed past him. His strong grip took hold of my arm.

"I know what's in store for you. Don't do this, Katherine. If you're smart like I know you are, you won't go," He said edgily.

I scoffed. "You don't know anything about me," I said yanking away from his grip. Thanatos stepped closer.

"Yes I do. I know everything," Thanatos said. I scrunched my eyebrows and backed away from him.

"I mean, uh," Thanatos stuttered. He sighed and rubbed the back of his head.

"I visited the Fates," He elaborated, "They showed me my threads and I saw that one was intertwined with a blue strand," He looked at me. My eye twitched.

"And I'm not sure what happened next, but when I laid my eyes on it, I saw a life flash before my eyes. But it wasn't my life. It was yours."

I flared my nostrils and shifted my feet. I folded my arms. That next level of disturbing has been achieved.

This stranger, whom I met a week ago, now knows everything about me. I knew that he was going to learn soon enough, considering he was my future husband, but still.

"So what's in store for me then?" I asked.

"My nephew will put you under a spell," He said like it was obvious.

"Nephew?" I asked.

"My twin brother Hypnos' son."

I tilted my head. "His name?" I questioned agitatedly.

"Morpheus, god of dreams."

I made an 'O' shape with my mouth. It all made sense now. Kronos was going to put me in a deep sleep. Won't that be just wonderful.

"It was nice catching up, but I have somewhere to be," I said after a moment of silence. I turned away, and Thanatos grabbed my arm again.

This time, when I turned back to him, he pulled me close and kissed me.

The kiss was like no other kiss I've ever had. It was hard to explain. I might have kissed back, but I wasn't really sure.

A Pawn For Time (Daughter of the Olympians #1)Where stories live. Discover now