(33) We Visit Fate

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Hades's Point of View•

I landed outside of the Fates' lair in the underworld. Everyone immediately landed next to me half a second later.

I didn't see Zeus, but no doubt he was already in there bothering the Me out of the Fates. I took in a sharp breath.

Sometimes Zeus is such an idiot.

We walked in and stopped when we saw what Zeus had gotten himself into.

Zeus was tangled in colorful threads, which made him look as if he was in a cocoon. He was arguing with Lachesis, while Clotho and Atropos were trying to untangle him.

I pinched the bridge of my nose. We let him out of our sight for one minute, I thought annoyingly.

"Ah, the Olympians, we were wondering when you would show up," Lachesis briskly snarked at us.

I sighed. "What'd he do this time to deserve being tied up?"

"Oh no, the tying up was his own doing," Clotho replied, ripping a strand loose.

I gave Zeus a look. He looked away as if to ignore me. I focused my glare until he grudgingly look back at me.

"Well?" I said tapping my foot. Despite the fact that he isolated me to the Underworld, I always manage to keep up with my "big brother" status.

Besides Hera, it was my responsibility to look after this imbecile. Zeus clenched his jaw.

"I'd prefer not to say," He said between his clenched teeth. Atropos scoffed as she yanked a pink thread from the wrap.

"You don't want to say because then you'd have to admit that you're a dimwit!" I bit my tongue to stop myself from smiling. 

Seeing my little brother being chewed out by the Fates was comedy gold. I glanced to the side and saw Artemis hiding her smile with her hand.

Apollo and Hermes, on the other hand, didn't hesitate to crack a smile and laugh. Zeus glared at them and they quickly put their fists in their mouths to keep from laughing.

"Anyway, why did you come to pay us this lovely visit," Lachesis asked sarcastically.

"It's about Katherine," Hera said with a sigh.

The Fates stopped. Lachesis gently put down the pair of scissors she was holding, which radiated serious power. Clotho swallowed and undid the final strand, freeing Zeus.

He let out a huff, and got up to stand by Hera. The Fates faced us. Their eerie gray eyes seemed to bore into my soul.

"What is wrong, then?" They asked shakily, trying to be calm.

"She sided with him," Zeus said with disgust. "And we were coming to see if her linking to him had anything to do with her decision."

Atropos glanced at a weave of many strands twisted together. It wasn't like the others, which were full tapestries filled with thousands of strands. It was small pieces that only connected to one or two.

I realized it must be the strands of love and power.

You see, each person has one main thread, called their thread of life. It's color is based off your eye color. But what most people don't know is that that strand only gives you life. You have others that branch off of it, like your threads of love, power, and meeting. When your thread of life is cut, all the others disappear, too.

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