(15) Waking up...Sort Of

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I had the greatest night of sleep. I slept the entire night and no nightmares. My new bed was really comfortable. I felt like I was sleeping on a cloud.

I couldn't tell if it was night or day. My curtains were closed. I hoped that it was still nighttime. It's my favorite part of the day (don't tell Apollo).

I felt someone shake me. I groaned in protest and rolled on my side, covering my head with the sheets.

"5 more minutes" I mumbled out of habit. I heard someone sniffle a laugh.

"Katherine, it's time to get up." Someone said. I think Athena.

I didn't move. I really didn't want to get up.

"Fine. Be that way." Athena replied. I heard shuffling.

Suddenly, I felt the sheets pull away from me and a bright light hit my eyes.

I shielded my eyes. "Too bright!!" I yelled. I tried to roll away from the window.

I apparently rolled the wrong way, because I landed on the floor with a thud.

At that point everyone in the room laughed. I opened my eyes to see who they were. Athena, Apollo, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, and Hermes.

Apollo was on the floor laughing his butt off. Next to him was Hermes. They were practically dying laughing.

Aphrodite and Athena were standing at the doorway, laughing but in a more sophisticated way, unlike Apollo and Hermes. Hephaestus stood by the window smiling. He must of been the one who opened the curtains.

They all calmed down. I got up from the floor and so did Apollo and Hermes. Hermes wiped a tear from his eye.

I looked at them with anger. I really didn't want to get up from bed.

"Are you guys serious? Why could you leave me alone?" I asked.

"Because it's time to start your day!" Apollo said with a smile.

I stared at him. He stared back.

"Oh, come on. Don't look at me like that. How about you smile! What's better than smiling?" He continued playfully.

"Being dead or anything else." I said back.

"Definitely Hades' daughter," I heard Hephaestus mutter to Athena. Athena nodded in agreement. They all stood in the doorway.

"Today will be a great day!" Aphrodite said cheerfully. They all agreed. Great, I live next to morning people.

They all left the room and I got dressed. I muttered some pretty colorful words about certain 5 parents of mine. I opened the door and walked to the dining hall. What a wonderful morning.

~A/N A little short chappie for you guys. Next one's coming up shortly!~

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