(37) When Reality Hits...

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•Katherine's Point of View•

I screamed as Hades launched yet another bullet into me. It pierced my right shoulder.

"Let's try this again. How did Kronos bring you into past realities without messing up the course of fate?" Poseidon asked me harshly.

I swallowed, attempting to soothe my hoarse, dry throat. For the past hour, Hades and Poseidon have been trying to get more answers. As you can see, I haven't been very cooperative.

"I never questioned how he did it," My weak voice wavered, "I assumed that since he was a time lord, he could travel through different periods of his life and others."

"Yes, but how was he able to bring you along? It should be impossible," Hades asked.

I groaned and hung my head. "He had to replace someone's soul in the original event with mine to place me in it. Someone people wouldn't notice if they were slightly different," I dragged dizzily. Poseidon and Hades briefly glanced at each other.

"So he doesn't actually bring you along, he switches the souls," Hades verified.

"I guess. When I'm in the past, the other person is in my body in present time," I winced as more waves of pain enveloped me.

"Who did he replace?" Hades asked, although it came out as more of a statement. I grinned faintly.

"Your mother, Rhea," I sneered. Their eyes flashed angrily. Hades went to shoot me again, but Poseidon grabbed his arm.

"Our mother? Why did he pull her out of the memory? Why not a guard, or servant," Poseidon asked as he approached me.

I blinked a couple of times to prevent myself from going unconscious. Damn you, hemophilia.

"I don't know..." I groaned, "All he said that we look and act alike."

Poseidon glared at me with a concentrated expression. I gave him the healthiest look I could. My eyes kept threatening to close.

Poseidon came closer and leaned over me, so that we were face to face. I stared into his sea green eyes, as he stared into my blue ones.

"If he replaces Rhea with you in every memory you travel to," Poseidon said slowly, "That means you are in complete control of her actions, but you feel everything Rhea felt in that particular moment."

"Yeah, so?"

Poseidon glanced back at Hades. Hades nodded, as if to give him permission for something. Poseidon looked back at me.

"Have you ever been in a memory with Kronos where you two were," His eyes got a little lighter, "Romantic?"

I almost puked. "What the hell, dude?" I grimaced at the thought of us together.

"Well?" He asked me trying to be serious. His eyes had humor in them, most likely from my reaction.

"No, he has kept it in his pants so far, if that's what you're asking," I retorted. Hades eye twitched.

"So you haven't had any romantic interactions with him?" Poseidon continued.

"Uh..." I awkwardly said, looking away.

A Pawn For Time (Daughter of the Olympians #1)Where stories live. Discover now