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Thank you readers for commenting or messaging me your questions. I appreciate it. So without further ado, here it is!

-S T O R Y Q U E S T I O N S-

1) What happened to Kronos?

A: Well, after Thanatos and Katherine fled, he sent Morpheus after them. He order Morpheus to "not stop until she was captured." Kronos couldn't do much now, since his main hold on the world (Katherine) no longer was available to update him on everything. He still had strong feelings for Katherine, even though he knew she would never feel the same way again after what he had done to her.

Kronos decided to settled back into Tartarus, regaining power and whispering into the minds of mortals, demigods, monsters, and gods so that his army could grow. Many years later, Kronos finds an interest in a certain son of Hermes, Luke Castellan. He finally found another hold to the mortal world. He is faced with a new threat, or possible ally, Percy Jackson. And well, you all know what happens after that....

2) Where did Katherine and Thanatos go?

A: After they fled Olympus, away from the enemy's base, Thanatos decided to bring Katherine to one of his favorite relaxation spots: the Meteora, in Kalabaka, Greece. Katherine was overjoyed with the attraction. Knowing that Morpheus was hot on their trail, Thanatos and Katherine left Kalabaka and found themselves in the Gothic Quarter, in Barcelona. Katherine pointed out (and laughed at) the irony between Thanatos and the place. After that, the duo had a close encounter with Morpheus. They immediately teleported away, to Paris.

It continued like this for months: Thanatos and Katherine traveling from place to place, adoring attractions before running away, sometimes bumping shoulders with Morpheus. Eventually, they were caught, but I can't tell you exactly how it went down... you'll know soon enough. ;)

3) When will Katherine appear?

A: Well, she appears in Chapter 4 of A Sleep Curse, but I can't tell you when she will reappear. You'll just have to wait and see ;).

4) When does Morpheus catch Katherine and Thanatos?

A: Katherine and Thanatos are caught by Morpheus approximately 14 months after they teleported away from Olympus. The epilogue of A Pawn For Time is set 14 months later, when they are caught.

5) Why does Katherine contradict herself so much? For example, she once said, "Aww, what a gentleman. Makes me sick."

A: I seem to get this question a lot. I like to think that since Katherine has so many parents with so many clashes of interest, she herself has many feuds with what she believes in. Since Katherine has an aspect of every Olympian (and Hades), she isn't consistent in what she believes and what she thinks.

Like in the example, "Aww, what a gentleman. Makes me sick." Katherine shows both her Aphrodite and Artemis complex within two thoughts. Since Aphrodite and Artemis are pretty much polar opposites, you could see why Katherine says this. She tends to second-guess herself and adjust her thoughts and actions. On the flip side, Katherine has many set goals and plans in her head. This adds to the contrasting thoughts in her mind. All in all, Katherine is always fighting within herself to find what she truly thinks is right.

6) Of all the places you chose to make Katherine from, why New Orleans? Were you building up for a crossover with the Originals or...?

A: Ah, yeah. I chose to make Katherine from New Orleans because it is one of the only cities that I'm familiar with. For those of you wondering, I'm from Louisiana. New Orleans has always been an easy city to identify and describe for me.

As for the crossover with the Originals, I wouldn't mind writing one, but it would take time. Not to mention, it would have to go on par with not only the Trials of Apollo series, but the Originals TV series as well. I'm not ruling out the possibility, it just doesn't seem very likely anytime soon.

7) Just out of curiosity, what kind of music does Katherine listen to?

A: Katherine is an 80s/early 90s chick, so she's really into Aerosmith and Elvis Presley. She's a sucker for a little bit of rock and roll, I suppose :).

8) This is a lot of questions, but Katherine's birthday, age, hobbies, tattoos/piercings, fears, right or left handed, favorite book, hidden talents???

A: I'll break this down lol.

•Birthday- February 29, 1972

•Age- 19 towards the end of A Pawn For Time, 44/45 during A Sleep Curse

•Hobbies- composing/playing music, building models, drawing

•Tattoos/Piercings- Katherine has a total of 8 tattoos, only one is known to man: the scythe tattoo on her right shoulder.

Katherine has her earlobes pierced, as well as a Daith piercing on her right ear, and Helix piercings on both ears.

•Fears- I'll really go into Katherine's fears more in A Sleep Curse, but I can tell you from her experiences in A Pawn For Time that she has monophobia (ironically enough).

•Right or left handed- Katherine is left-handed.

•Favorite book- Katherine doesn't like reading very often, but Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury.

•Hidden Talents- She is very good at knife throwing. No matter where she is standing in a room, Katherine will always hit the bullseye. I also happen to know that Katherine can hack into any database and get past all of the firewalls and security locks (don't tell the FBI).

That was a long one! :)

9) Does Katherine play any musical instruments? After all, Apollo did bless her with the gift of music.

A: Yes. Katherine can play ukulele, violin, and alto saxophone. She can also rock out on a drum set fairly well.

-A B O U T T H E A U T H O R-

1) How old are you?

A: This was the most asked question lol. I just turned 14.

2) When did you start writing A Pawn For Time?

A: I had the idea of creating this story for a while, but I didn't hit publish until February 2015.

3) Where are you from?

A: As previously stated above, I am from Louisiana, USA.

4) What fictional place would you most like to go to?

A: This is a hard question! Umm... I suppose Olympus because I've imagined seeing it so many times.

5) What would your mirror opposite be like?

A: Katherine, of course. She's basically everything I'm not.

6) Which PJO/HoO/ToA book is your favorite?

A: The Titan's Curse.

7) Do you have social media?

A: Yes I do. The only accounts of mine that are open to the public are my Instagram and Snapchat.

add me:

instagram | @melieacrogen
snapchat | @t.yche13

Hope you guys enjoyed this little chapter! Let me know how you like it here. Don't forget to check out A Sleep Curse and vote!

Melie out.

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