(10) Praetors

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Octavian and I walked through the camp, towards the Senate house. Octavian seemed miffed about meeting the praetors. Maybe they have bad history together or something.

We eventually reached the senate house and entered. I wasn't expecting a teenager and a seven year old running the place.

"Hi, I'm Reyna, daughter of Bellona," the little girl said. (A/N Yes, I am aware that according to this time sequence, technically Reyna isn't born yet. This will make her older than Percy & Annabeth. For the plot to make sense, this has to happen. It'll work out, trust me)

"And I'm Michael, son of Janus," the other kid said.

We shook hands awkwardly and Reyna started to explain to me what it was like to be blood of the gods. She said I could either be a demigod or a descendant of one.

"Did you train at the Wolf House with Lupa?" Michael asked.

"The Wolf House? What's that?" I asked. As far as I'm sure, I've never been to that place. Sounds like a cool name to a restaurant, though.

Reyna continued to explain how all Roman demigods trained at the wolf house with Lupa and they found out their ancestry there. Both praetors seemed perplexed with the fact that I've never been there considering how old I was.

Michael and Reyna exchanged a private conversation between each other's eyes.

Octavian cleared his throat. "I have to go."

The praetors dismissed him with a nod and he left.

Now I was alone with Reyna and Michael. They seemed like nice kids, but they made me uncomfortable. For some reason, ever since I got here I've felt like I didn't belong. I brushed off the feeling when Reyna asked me some questions about the gods.

"We are just going to ask you basic questions to see how much you know," Reyna started off. "Who is the king of the gods?"

Easy. "Zeus," I said. The sky rumbled outside.

"Close, that's his Greek form. The Roman form of the king is Jupiter. Who is the god of war?"

I knew this one, too. "Ares," I stated.

Reyna and Michael looked at each other again before they told me that it was actually Mars. Once again, Ares was his Greek equivalent.

It continued like this. They discovered that I knew everything about the gods, I just knew them by their Greek names. Michael told me not to worry and that I would get the hang of it eventually.

Reyna's watch buzzed and she stopped our conversation short.

"Time for dinner." She said.

I looked outside and saw the sun disappear behind the hills. I couldn't have been here that long.

Michael guided me to the dinner pavilion. He told me that I would be chosen by a cohort and that is who I would spend camp with.

We got to the pavilion just in time and Reyna began to speak. Michael left me and joined his cohort.

"Good day Romans. Today we have got a new camper so we need a cohort to claim her. Her name is Katherine."

"We'll take her," Michael said. His  black hair shined and he had a playful look in his fierce eyes. I blushed.

"Thank you Michael. The fifth, welcome Katherine." Reyna said. She next boomed To the gods! and every one went to their tables.

Michael came up to me and guided me towards the cohort.

"Well Katherine, welcome to the fifth." He smiled and we shook hands in a joking way. We laughed and started to walk to the tables.

"Since you're new here, I think I'll make an exception and let you sit with me."

"Wow, I feel so honored," I told him sarcastically. He nodded and we sat down.

"Katherine, I'd like you to meet some of my friends. This Dakota, Gweyn, Christina, Helena, and Felix. Guys, this is Katherine." Michael motioned me to everyone.

They all nodded and waved to me. We started some small talk as the food was served. Oddly enough, I got my favorite meal. Jambalaya, with a side of shrimp, and pink lemonade.

"The lares know exactly what everyone wants. Don't ask how." Michael muttered in my ear.

We all dug in and I started to have hope that maybe, just maybe, I could fit in here and make some friends. Michael, Helena, Christina, and Felix seemed like really cool people. Even Dakota and Gweyn, even if they were a little bit younger than me.

I started to make conversation between bites of food with the girls at the table. The guys joined in, too. Some of the stuff they said made us laugh and choke on our food. At one point, soda came out of Felix's nose.

We all joked around for the rest of dinnertime. All of a sudden, there was a big crash coming from the fields.

~A/N Oh, a cliffhanger. I hate those. Ah, oh well. Its finished though. You guys are welcome for the long-ish chapter I tried to fit it in. Please comment below for any questions and don't forget to vote!~

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