(40) When in Rome Do As the Romans

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•Katherine's Point of View•

I slowly stepped down the steps of the stairs, concentrating on not falling. It seems as if the more you concentrate on not doing something, the more likely you are to do that thing.

I breathed a sigh of relief when I reached the end of the stairs. My parents stood on top of the stairs still.

"Our daughter has made her descent home. Let the party begin!" Zeus announced. Many loud cheers followed, then the music started to get a little louder. The music was a combination of many things. It seemed to play whatever you wanted to hear.

The lights dimmed slightly, giving the room a purple glow. Different color strobe lights shone across the ceiling. I shook my head. My parents sure do know how to throw a party.

Everyone made their way to the dance floor. Some stopped and welcomed me home. I gratefully acknowledged them.

I roamed around the room, trying to find something to entertain me. People danced around me, laughing and drinking the night away.

I turned around and bumped someone's shoulder.

"Hey, hey! How would you like a glass of the finest wine in the universe?" The man I bumped into said to me, bouncing with energy.

I squinted my eyes at the man. "Dionysus? What gives?" I said.

He leaned in closer and realized who I was. "Oh! Sorry sweetheart," He apologized quickly. Dionysus scurried away, looking for someone to take on his offer. I rolled my eyes.

I somehow made my way to the bar. I technically was old enough to drink alcohol, but it just didn't feel right. I leaned against the bar.

"How may I help you, m'lady?" The bartender asked.

"Do you have anything non-alcoholic?" I asked. He stared at me questionably.

"We have nectar and water," He replied, still looking at me funny.

"I'll take nectar, I guess," I told him. The bartender nodded. He turned and in a split second he had it ready.

"Here you are," He said while handing me the drink, "Be careful. If you drink too much, you will explode into a pile of ash."

I sipped the drink and wondered if he was being serious. Before I could ask, he sped off to fill someone else's drink. I shrugged.

I looked around the ballroom. This truly was an amazing night so far. Even if it had some weird twists. But weird is normal now, so you get used to it.

"Nectar, please," Someone said next to me, snapping me out of my thoughts. I glanced their way and gasped.

"Thank you," He said as he got his drink. He stirred it a bit, then took a sip. My jaw was still on the floor.

The man standing next to me was the prince I danced with in that dream. I had that dream a long time ago, but I was positive that it was him. I started to feel tingly, as if lightning was going to burst from my fingertips. I felt completely compelled to the man.

"Can I help you?" The man asked. I still was staring at him.

"Hello?" He asked again. I shook my head, realizing that he was talking to me.

"Sorry. Just caught up in thoughts," I said. He nodded.

"Yeah, me too. Luckily, this drink can wash them down," He said taking another sip.

"You're the princess, right? The daughter Hades is always talking about?"

"That would be me," I said. He made a hmph sound.

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