Chapter 1

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Like other fairly "old" fanfictions it starts off either carroty or just plain doesn't make sense. Mine on the other hand takes about 2 or 3 chapters to get to what you've all been waiting for.

Don't be discouraged to read. There are just somethings that you have to know before the two main characters meet. Be sure to let me know in the comments what you think about this book!

And if there are spelling error please don't hesitate to point them out .. Please ...

Happy Reading (:

Chapter 1:

"Here's your check. I hope to see you guys again soon."

I said to the couple. This seemed to be their second date. Considering they were all lovey-dovey. My boyfriend Jackson never took me on dates. That was the only thing I asked of him. He just scoffs and says "Why would I want to waste money, when we could have fun here." I hated when he said that. So I just stopped asking. But I admired how much love they showed each other. The way he looked at her was just heart-dropping. I wished Jackson showed me that kind of affection.

I entered the kitchen and found Isaac. He is the chef here, and he occasionally waits on tables. His grandfather and grandmother built this resturant. It is an "All Around the World" type place. His grandparents loved to travel. So they decided to build a resturant with all the different foods they tried, and liked. Isaac is the closest friend I have right now. I don't get out much, other than work and shopping for necessities. We talk mainly at work. We don't text because I don't want Jackson getting the idea that I'm cheating on him. Jackson is a really buff guy. Always working out. I could say he loves the gym more than he loves me. As a matter of fact, I don't even think Jackson loves me. Jackson would beat Isaac to a bloody pulp for just smiling at me. He is a bit territorial.

"Tara! Hey can you try this for me?"

Isaac asked as he held a spoon up to my face. I gave him a weird look.

"What is it?"

"Aigo Boulido."

He gave me an encouraging smile. The unsure facial expression was still implanted on my face.

"It's french." He said

As if that was suppose to motivate me.

I finally gave in and tried his soup. I opened my mouth and he fed it to me. It was so good. I could feel the warmth of the soup roll down my throat. The taste of the garlic and soft bread settling on my taste buds. His eyes were wide. His facial expression begging for a critique.

"You like it?" He asked

"It's amazing! How did you learn how to make this?"

"My grandparents are from France, and my grandma taught me how."

I could tell Isaac was jumping for joy inside.

"Do you think John will let you put it on the menu?" I asked.

John was the manager at the resturant. He worked as a waitor for fifteen years. Then a chef for five, and now a manager. Isaac's grandparents trust John to make all the right decisions.

"I'm not sure. But it wouldn't hurt to ask, right?" He replied.

"Best of luck. But hey, after this couple leaves I will be on my lunch break. They should be done in a minute. But once I get their table cleaned, I want some of that soup, because the lunch I brought is crap compared to that."

He laughed.

"Okay, we can have some together."

I went back to the table to see them sitting there with locked hands smiling at each other. I didn't want to interrupt their moment. So I just stupidly stood a couple feet away watching them. I saw the spark in their eyes. I no longer felt that spark with Jackson, but I still stay with him because I hope that feeling returns. I hadn't realized that I had been starring for a while. Until the girl interrupted my admiration towards them.

"Madam?" She asked

"Oh, I'm sorry. I just wanted to see if there was anything else you needed."

They looked at each other in question.

"No. Um. We'll just be on our way." She replied.

"Please don't feel rushed! I just wasn't sure if you were staying because you wanted something."

"No we're fine. Thank you." The guy said.

They got up and left. As much as I admired their relationship, I have never been so happy to see people walk out the door. I quickly cleaned their table then ran over to the kitchen to find Isaac. He was putting the soup in tupperware.

"Wait! Don't put it away. I'm ready."

Isaac smiled. "Lets go."

We sat down at the table at the back of the resturant. It is a rule for employees to sit as far away from the front as possible. I guess to avoid using up space for the customers. I brought the bowls and spoons, and Isaac carried the soup. We ate, then we just started talking. Laughing mostly. My phone vibrated. It was Jackson.

"Hey Babe." He sent.

I didn't reply. I was a bit angry with him. After seeing how the guy at the table treated his girlfriend, how could I not be angry?

"Who was that?" Isaac asked.

I slowly answered. "Jackson."

Isaac didn't need to hear anymore. He only met Jackson once, and that was the last time Isaac ever wanted to see him again. He was a stick compared to Jackson. He stayed quiet for a while. It seemed as if he had something on his mind. He was in deep thought.

"What do you see in him?" He asked staring into my eyes.

His question took me by suprise.

"Um. Well, he was really sweet, and funny. He was even charming."


I looked down.

"Yeah." I said quietly.

"What about now?"

"He. . ." I began

"What's going on here?"

I looked up at the giant figure standing in front of the table.

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