Chapter 33

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{Liam's POV}

I don't know anymore. I don't know how to think or how to act. After a few moments of thinking things over I knew that I had completely overreacted. Tara wasn't doing anything wrong. I should admire the type of person she is. After all the shit Jackson put her through she would still try to help him. What type of idiot am I?

I started to drive back to her flat. I wouldn't blame her if she hated me.


{Tara's POV}

Isaac and I laughed with each other telling ridiculous stories. Now that all of the sad, depressing, and crazy stories are over we were able to genuinely laugh. It felt great, like old, better times between us.

"Tara where do you see yourself in the future?" He asked.

That was a question I never really asked myself or even thought about. Well when I was with Jackson I saw myself dead in the future, but since things have changed I don't really know what lies ahead. I just made something up as I went along. "I see myself in a bigger flat. Hopefully married with children.. and um, well I'm not sure? Those are the only things I can think of right now.. What about you?"

"Well I see myself as a entreprener. I mean I don't think it's too late for me. My grandparents have there own successful buisness so I think I can achieve one too." He smiled.

"I could see you doing that. It be nice to say I have a millionare friend." I laughed.

"No kidding!" He joined.

Our laughing came to a hault when someone was banging on my door. "Open up bitch I know you're in there!"

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at Isaac.

"I don't have all bloody day!" She shouted.

I rose from my chair but was haulted by Isaac. "You have to be crazy to answer that!"

"I'm not letting anyone disrespect me in my own home." I spat.

I walked to the door pulled it open and pushed the girl back. Not so suprisingly, it was Kristie. She fell back off of my porch and looked shocked. "Have you lost your mind? Coming to my house and trying to start trouble? Get off of my property or you're going to get more than just a shove back!" I demanded.

I turned around to shut the door in her face but she quickly got up and pulled me by my hair. That's happened to me way too many times for me to not know what to do. I broke her hold with my elbow and on the way punched her in the face. It wasn't as powerful as I would have liked but I knew it made a statement.

Instead of my hair she pulled on my arm which made me lose balance and fall down.

"Tara!" Isaac exclaimed as he now ran to me.

As I tried to get up she lifted her foot and brought it down on my face. It wasn't painful enough to keep me down but it was enough to make me dizzy. "You think you can just hurt my boyfriend and get away with it?" She asked. She was just about to kick me again when Isaac pushed her away.

I rose to my feet still a bit dizzy then I saw him. Jackson was leaning against the car watching everything. His smirk angered me but I couldn't help but laugh at the fact that he has to have his girlfriend fight his battle instead of him. "This is what you've resorted to?" I laughed. "Your scrawny girlfriend fighting your battles now?"

He frowned. If he wasn't injured he wouldn't hesitate to come after me. Isaac was holding Kristie back but she didn't stop trying to fight. She lifted her leg and got Isaac right in his man area. He shouted in pain and fell to the floor. I would have gone to him if Kristie wasn't making her way towards me. Clenching my fists, I showed my anger. Before she could do something I struck her in the face once more. She stumbled back a bit but retaliated with a slap in my face. I felt blood trickle down to my lip.

She grabbed hold of my shirt and I removed her hand. She was blind fighting now. She punched over and over. Occasionally she would get me. I tried my hardest to block her blows and for the most part it worked. A lot of panting and grunting sounded between us.

The screeching of tires caught my attention and I was relieved to see Liam quickly getting out of his car. I ended my fight with Kristie by grabbing her hands and kicking her back on her bum.

Liam wore a confused look on his face and walked over to Jackson. "What are you doing here?" He spat.

"Handling my buisness." Jackson answered. "You know I have to give you credit. Tara isn't much of a whore anymore. She didn't even kiss me when I asked her to. I mean you of all people should know that it should have been easy to get her to do what you want."

Right before my eyes Liam upper cut Jackson right in the face. Then like lightning struck him with a right hook. I couldn't believe it. Someone finally put Jackson in his place. This was overwhelming.

I turned to Kristie who was struggling to get up. She held tightly onto her stomach. "I'l- I'll get you bitch! Th-this isn't over!" She panted stumbling over to Jackson who laid on the floor.

Liam walked over to me. I was swaying losing all the energy I had. I fell right into his arms.

He laughed and held me up. "I leave for one hour and you've gotten yourself into another fight."

I smiled and turn to Isaac as he is standing against the wall trying to gather himself.

"You alright there mate?" Liam asked.

Isaac pushed off of the wall and made his way up the porch. "Yeah. But my children aren't." He breathed.


Only two more chapters ....

I'm uploading them today .

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