Chapter 9

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Tara's POV:

"Tara. Who did this to you?" Isaac asked starring hard into my weak eyes.

"I-I don't know."

"Tell us what you remember." He demanded.

It was still hard to talk but after a while it became a bit easier.

"I don't know w-what I'm supposed to re-remember?"

"Try to remember what happened last night. Try to remember why you are in here. Just try." He pleaded

I was trying really hard to remember what happen.

But nothing came up.


Liam's POV:

Isaac was getting frustrated with Tara's lack of knowledge.

"Do you know anything?" He asked me

"All I know is that once I stepped out of the cinema she was screaming for help."

"I'm calling the police." Isaac said as he got up and walked out the door.

What he doesn't know is that I talked to the police when I arrived at the hospital and they said there wasn't much they could do right now.

"How are you feeling?" I asked Tara

"So much..pain" She replied

A tear fell from her eye and slowly ran down her face.

I moved closer to her and gently wiped that tear away.

"Thank you." She whispered

Her eyes were sparkling up at me.

"Any time."

"No. Thank you for everything. Saving me. Staying with me..." She took a small breath

"...and wiping my tears away."

I couldn't help but smile. Even though she was very weak, I knew there was something she felt towards me too.

"Don't mention it."

Then without realizing what i was doing I took her hand and locked it with mine.



"Do you think that if you weren't taken, we" I asked slowly.

Her eyes were set on me. Giving me all of her attention. I sort of panicked, not wanting to know the answer.

"Nevermind. Forget I ever asked that."

I was removing my hand from hers embarrassed of what I just asked. I felt a small squeeze on my hand. Then I realized that it was her not wanting to let go.

"Yes." She whispered

My eyes grew wide. My smile filled with joy.

I then found myself stepping up to her and leaving a kiss on her lips. A gentle kiss that I have longed to give her. Our lips were in sync opening and closing together. As if we were telling each other something that didn't need to be heard, just felt.

I couldn't believe she was actually kissing me back. On account that I was bent over her, I supported my weight but putting my arm over her and holding the bar on the side of the hospital bed. My other hand was locked with hers. She brought her free hand up and gently touched my cheek. It sent shivers down my body.


Isaac's POV:

I was pacing back and forth outside of Tara's room. Talking to the dispatcher trying to get someone down here.

She said that the detectives will be here shortly but one thing some people don't know about me is that I'm a bit impatient.

"Sir, if there is no emergency then I need you to hang up."

"Ma'am you're not understanding! The sooner your detectives get down here, the sooner we catch this guy!"

"I understand that, and I told you that the detectives will be on their way shortly, but there are other people out there with more serious emergencies!"

"You know what. Forget it. You obviously don't care and......"

I looked inside Tara's room window and saw it.

Saw Liam bending over Tara and kissing her. My eyes grew wide. So many emotions came over me.




"Sir? Sir are you still there?"

I hung up the phone and walked in the room.


Liam's POV:

I slowly pulled away. Savouring the moment. I couldn't believe it. I kissed her. I finally did what I was waiting and longing to do.

She wore a smile on her face. The brightest smile I have ever seen.

We laughed. I think we both knew what we did was wrong, but the messages we were sending each other in the kiss. We didn't care.

"Um. Liam." I heard behind me.

My smile faded.

I turned around to see Isaac standing by the door clutching his phone in his hands.

"Can I speak to you outside for a minute." Isaac asked

I looked back at Tara. Not wanting to leave her.

"Yeah, sure." I said.

I very slowly removed my hand from hers and followed Isaac outside. I shut the door quietly.

"What the hell was that?!" Isaac spat.

I gave him a confused look.

"You know she has a boyfriend right?" He asked.

"I am aware."

"Then why are you kissing a taken girl!?"

I could tell he felt more than just anger. I could see it in his eyes.

"It just happened! I didn't know what I was doing until I pulled away from her!"

"Do you realize that if her boyfriend saw that he would not hesitate to kill you!"

"I'm not afraid of that prick." I said rolling my eyes.

"Then you obviously haven't seen what he is capable of!"

"Look, I know I shouldn't have kissed her, but she deserves better than him!"

"And who do you think has been telling her that this whole time?!"

I turned to walk back in the room. Then I felt him grab my arm. I looked at his hand holding my arm and yanked it away.

"Be careful. He's dangerous." He warned



Hope you liked it (((:

Next chapter is being written right now so it should be posted today or tomorrow ! Don't forget to vote! Comment me what you think. I love feedback!

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