Chapter 10

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Liam's POV:

We both walked back into the room. Tara had fallen asleep. I sat down on the chair next to the door. Isaac leaned against the wall on the other side of the room texting. I couldn't stop thinking about our kiss. I thought about her lips and how I never wanted to remove mine from them. Her soft touch on my face. The way it sent an electric current down my body. There is no way I'm letting her go now.

The door slammed open. It made Isaac and me jump.

"You told me she was awake!" Jackson yelled at the intimidated doctor.

"I'm sorry, but she was awake when I called you!" He nervously stated. I don't think he wanted to be anywhere near Jackson because he left almost immediately.

Jackson darted his eyes at me. "What the hell are you still doing here?"

"Doing what you seem to be lacking!" I replied

"And what is that?"

"Being here for her!"

I stood up and stepped really close to him. Letting him know that I am standing my ground. "Oh, and guess what?" I asked smirking

He glared at me.

"I'm here to stay."

He grunted and shoved past me. Making his way to her bed. "Tara! Wake up!" He demanded, shaking her violently.

"GET OFF OF HER!" Isaac yelled, grabbing Jackson's arm trying to pull him off.

Jackson lunged for Isaac, pinning him to the wall raising his fist ready to strike. I quickly ran over to Jackson to get him off of Isaac. But it was to no avail. Jackson had punched Isaac so hard in the face that Isaac fell to the floor moaning. He was going to throw his second punch when I grabbed Jackson and threw him to the floor not to far from Isaac.


Tara's POV:

My head was pounding. I felt as if I was in a massive earthquake. I woke up to seeing three boys fighting. One on the floor holding his face, and the other two throwing punches at each other.

"ST-STOP!" I tried to yell, which was a useless action.

I remembered the remote that the doctor gave me. I reached for it. Pressed the button, and not to long after a nurse ran in.

She saw what was going on and screamed then ran out. Only to return to a few security guards.

They ran in and pulled Liam and the other muscular boy off of each other. Another doctor grabbed Isaac and sat him down in a chair, examining him. Isaac was then escorted out of the room.


Liam's POV:

Jackson and I were thrown out of the room. We stood outside in the hallway. Being held away from each other by the security guards.

"Do you lads realise that you could go to the jailhouse for this?" One of the security guards asked

"You better leave now mate! Or else things are about to get a whole lot worse for you!" Jackson threatened

He lunged for me but he was being held back.

"Don't think I won't lock you up!" The security guard threatened Jackson.

Jackson scoffed and yanked his arm from the hold it was in.

"One of you care to explain what happened in there?" The security guard asked

"Some one doesn't know how to act like a civilized person." I said cocking my eyebrows directly towards Jackson.

He had an evil look in his eye. Like a lion waiting to attack his prey.

"I'm giving you two another chance. If you can't act right, then not only will you leave, but you will be locked up. Am I clear?"

I nodded. Jackson didn't do anything.

The guards let us go. I began to head back to Tara's room.

"Hey ass-wipe!" Jackson called from behind me.

I turned around to be greeted with his fist right to my face. I stumbled back. But once I realised what happened I charged at him.

I felt a strong arm wrap around me.

"GET OFF!" I yelled as I scrambled to get out of his arms.

"GET HIM OUT OF HERE!" The guard yelled

I stopped to see who he was talking about.

Luckily he was talking about Jackson. Who then punched the guard that was trying to restrain him.

"DON'T THINK THAT THIS IS OVER!" Jackson yelled whilst being dragged out of the hospital

"Do I have to worry about you?" The large man asked me.

I shook my head. He let me go and I entered her room.

Isaac was sitting in a chair blankly staring at the wall. He had a few stitches on his jaw. I looked at Tara who looked back at me with soft eyes.

"What happened?" She asked

"Your boyfriend happened." Isaac spat

She looked at me confused.


I knew what she was going to ask.

"Yes. That is your boyfriend." I answered

"I would nev---"

She got really quiet. Her facial expression was still really confused, with a mix of disgust.

"How ya feelin' mate?" I asked Isaac

"Terrible." He said still staring at the wall.


My stomach and face hurt. But I could only imagine how Isaac felt.

I turned over to Tara who was shockingly sitting up.

"I'm sorry that you had to see that." I said

She grabbed my hand.

"I'll be fine." She smiled



So good news... Tara's feeling better ((: There is going to be loads more interesting things that happen.

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Hope all of these changes in POV'S aren't messing you up :/

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