Chapter 15

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"What a lovely day it is today, isn't it Archie? We don't get weather like this in England often do we?" I asked my husband of 50 years.

It looked so nice outside. I stood looking out the window, whilst my lazy husband watched the telly.

"Yes, I suppose so." Archie replied

"It would be nice to finally look after my garden."

"Abagail, if you don't mind, I would like to watch my football game without any rude interruptions!"

"Well, I'm sorry my interests are boring ya!"

I decided to stop talking to that lump and grab my gardening tools. It would be nice to get back out there.

I started digging to plant my petunia seeds. Petunia's were always my favourite flower.

I used to work in my garden when I was a little girl. I had the prettiest of flowers growing all around my home. This brought back lovely memories.

"HELP!" I heard someone say.

It scared the daylights out of me. I turned to see what was going on. It could have been one of the young lads playing a foolish prank.

I then saw my neighbour Tara, across the way being carried into her windowsill. I couldn't tell who was carrying her. I could see that she obviously did not want to be in that house.


I saw a hand come over her mouth. I was horrified. Why would someone want to do that to a poor girl. I quickly ran inside.

"Archie! ARCHIE!" I cried

"Abagail, I only ask one thing of you--"

"TARA IS BEING ATTACKED!" I said through my cry.

"What the bloody hell are you on about!?" He asked

"I just saw her being dragged into her windowsill! It looked like she wanted to get away from whoever was in there! We have to help her!"

"Ring the police!" He instructed

I ran for the phone.

"Hello! Yes, I think there's something wrong at my neighbours house, I think she is being attacked!"

"Ma'am what made you suspect there was something wrong?" The dispatcher asked

"She was being dragged into her window yelling for someone to help her! You need to get someone here!"

"Ma'am I understand that. I'll see what available policeman can be sent there."

"What are they saying?" Archie asked over my shoulder

"Shh shh Archie!" I said waving my hand for him to step back a bit.

"Please hurry. I don't know what kind of trouble that girl's in but I don't want to take the chances."

"I understand. Just keep an eye on that flat and someone will be there shortly."

"I will."

That was the end of the call.

"So what's happening?" Archie asked

"She's sending people over now. I think you should go over there and stop the guy."

Archie looked at me as if I put poison in his tea.

"There's no way in hell I'm going over there!"


"No! I'm not riskin' my life because she wanted to get in a scrap with somebody!"

"Archie how can you say that!? Oh. That poor dear! I hope the police come in time."


I sat by my front window watching that house. Waiting for a sign. Oh the terrible things that could be happening right now.

Suddenly I saw a familiar man walk out of her front door. I couldn't remember his name for the life of me but I have seen him around.

I made sure I got a good look at him. He could be the one that hurt her.

"Have the police arrived yet?" Archie asked.

"No! My god, she could be dead! I have to go over there and see if she's alright!"

"If you think you're going over there then you're crazier than a child on Christmas morning!" Archie yelled

"Archie if somethin' happens to that poor girl I'll never be able to live with myself!"

"You will not step foot outside this house until the authorities arrive, am I clear!?"

"Yes." I said in defeat.


I was beyond nervous now. There was no sign of her. Terrible thoughts went through my mind.

I then heard sirens coming closer. A spark of hope ran through me. Two police cars and an ambulence parked in front of her house.

I ran out side as fast as my old legs could take me.

"OFFICERS! Officer!" I yelled

One of them turned around and made their way towards me.

"Are you the one that called for the emergency?" he asked.

The rest of the men went inside.

"Yes I am" I said out of breath.

"Can you explain what happened?"

I was trying to see what was going on inside. I wanted to know if she was alright.

"Well, basically she was climbing out of her window but then she was being dragged back inside. Then she started screamin' for someone to help her."

I was anxious to what they found, and if she was okay.

"Did you see the man?" The officer asked

"No, but I did see the lad that I believe to be her boyfriend walk out not to long after.."

"Did you see anything else?" He asked

"Well if I did don't ya think I would tell ya?"

Then the officers walked out with Tara on the stretcher.

"Oh no! Is she going to be alright!?" I asked walking with the stretcher.

She was in and out of it. She was falling asleep it looked like.

"Tara dear are you alright? I'm so sorry love! I wish I could've done more!" I cried

"Abagail! What are you doin'!? Come back home and let the lads do their jobs!" Archie yelled from the other side of the street.

"I'll pray for ya darling." I said as they put her in the huge automobile.



Just a filler. I kind of wanted to give you guys someone else's POV. And showed you that Tara does not live on a deserted island lol.

Hopefully this answered some of your questions....

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