Chapter 22

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{Isaac's POV}


How could she not take this!? How could she refuse the one thing that can guarantee her safety!? Liam can't do what this can! He's blinding her by making her think that he is her protector! She doesn't realise the harsh fact that Jackson could tear them both down!


"Hello." I answered failing at hiding my anger.

"Isaac, it's John. How's Tara?" He asked

"She's fine." I shortly answered.

"I should be expecting you back?" He asked.

"Yes.." I mumbled.

I don't know if I was in the correct mood to return to work. Ever since Tara left, I've been picking up her slack and it's getting tiring. "Stop it Isaac!" My conscience scolded. I can't think of her like that. She has been through a lot. I can't be angry!

"Isaac?" John asked interrupting my thoughts.

"John, I'll see you when I get there." I said more rude than expected.

I heard him hang up. I threw my phone to the passanger seat. It hit pretty hard. I looked over noticing the gun was still in my possession. My grip on the steering wheel tightened. "She didn't take it." I continuously said in my head.


When I arrived to the resturaunt, I got out of the car and looked back. The gun sat there, even though it was lifeless I felt like it was taunting me.

"She didn't take me." It laughed, "You failed. You are nothing to her. She doesn't look at you the way she used to. She doesn't feel the same way about you."

I slammed the door closed. Listening to it won't do anything for me other then make me angry.

I walked through the back door. My eyes suddenly met with John's.

"Damnit!" I exclaimed, startled.

He pratically stood over me. "Someone is here to see you."

I narrowed my eyebrows. Right now was not a good time to converse with me.

"Isaac?" I heard a woman call. Her voice was familiar. A small figure appeared behind John. She wasn't hiding, she was just tiny.

"Nan!" I exclaimed. A smile swept across my face. It was a relief to see her. When I was just a child, she would comfort me just in the way that I needed.

John moved over and I embraced her in a hug.

"Isaac? What wrong?" She asked. I narrowed my eyebrows. How did she know there was something wrong with me?

"Come here." She said pulling me away from John. "What's bothering you?" She asked again.

"It's.. complicated." I answered.

"Nothing's too complicated for your grandmother! Tell me sweetheart."

"I would love to tell you Nan, really. But this is just something I can't say." I explained. She nodded understandingly. She didn't want to know because she likes poking in my buisness. She only wants to know because she wants to help.

"Well, whenever you can say, I'm here." She smiled. I loved her with all of my heart. She was the best grandmother any lad can ask for. She pulled me down for a hug and I gladly obliged.

"Well, um. I have to get back to work."

"Go on son."


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