Chapter 8

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Tara's POV:

I opened my eyes. I had no idea where I was. There was a big window with blue curtains on my right. And there were chairs directly under it. The room I was in was all white. Right beside me was some equipment.

I suddenly realized where I was.

The hospital.

But why?

"Um hi." A soft voice said

I slowly turned my head to see a handsome boy holding my hand and looking at me with soft eyes.

I gave him a confused look. I guess he read my mind because he began to introduce himself.

"Errm, I'm-"

He was cut off by another boy barging in the room. It made me jump.

"Tara!" A boy with hazel eyes yelled.

He looked very familiar but I couldn't figure out his name. He gave me a hug. I groaned in pain.

He immediately pulled away.

"I'm sorry. I didn-.. How are you?" He asked

I didn't answer. I was to busy trying to match a name to his face.


Still no answer. Just a confused facial expression.

"Tara? Can you speak?"

He then ran out of the room yelling for a doctor.

I looked at the boy who was still holding my hand.

"I know this is hard for you. But he took this harder than anyone else." He explained

Took what harder? Why was I here? Why can't I remember anything?

He got quiet for a little while. He just stared at my hand as he caressed the top of it.

"So your name is Tara? I like it. It fits you well. My name is Liam. Liam Payne."

Liam's face looked very familiar but his name wasn't.

"I don't know if you heard my introduction earlier, but I said before that I wanted to get to know you. I know this sounds a bit cliché but I feel invested in you. I haven't left your side since you were in here. And I don't plan to leave now that you are awake. Well, I promised that dickhead boyfriend of yours I would leave if you asked me to. I just hope you will give me a chance."

I wanted to smile. But as of right now, all I could do is blink. He was so sweet. But what did he mean by dickhead boyfriend? Was it that hysterical boy that just ran out?

The other boy returned with another man.

"She's not speaking and she's looking at me like she doesn't know me." The boy explained to what looked to be the doctor.

The doctor came over to me. And examined my eyes with a flashlight. My eyes fluttered from the bright light shining into them.

"Hmm. Well there seems to be slight signs of memory loss. However. She needs help retrieving those memories. All you need to do is help her gain them back."

The doctor looked down to me.

"We're just going to keep you here for another day or so to see how you are doing."

"Wait, what about her talking? Is she able to speak?" The boy with the hazel eyes asked.

The doctor examined me once more.

He grabbed a stick from a cup that was near the sink.

"Tara if you don't mind opening your mouth and saying 'ahhhh'."

I tried to open my mouth but my jaw wouldn't budge. I tried even harder.

My jaw shook like crazy. My teeth clattered against each other. It was finally moving. It took me a while but I finally got it open wide enough.

"Great. Now say 'ahhhh'." The doctor instructed as he slowly put the stick in my mouth.

That was a whole different story. I tried to let a sound out but only air left. I took in a deep breath.

I felt like I was stabbed in the stomach multiple times.

I cried in pain. As if I were a woman in labour.

My weak hand tightened it's grip on Liam's hand.

"It's okay. You'll get through this. Stay calm." Liam said

Tears started falling.

"Are you able to say anything, dear?" The doctor asked.

I tried again. Careful not to take a deep breath.

"Y-y-yes." I whispered weakly.

Liam and the other boy smiled.

"Okay. I will be back every now and then to check on you. If you need anything just press this button and one of my nurses will come to your aid." The doctor said

He set a remote on the little table next to me.

"Boys keep an eye on her. Make sure she doesn't take any deep breaths and don't let her move around to much."

Move around? I could hardly move my mouth let alone my whole body.

They both nodded and the doctor shut the door.

The boy that had been standing up the whole time grabbed a chair and sat next to me.

"Tara? Do you remember me?" He asked

"N-no." I said quietly

"Tara. It's Isaac. We work together? At All Around The World? Please remember." He begged

I could see the pain in his hazel eyes. I did start to remember who he was. He looked at me the same way once before.

"Isaac?" My voice cracked

He smiled.

"Yes! Do you know anything else?" He asked

"No. I-I can't."

He looked down.

"Don't be sad mate. It's good that she at least remembers your name." Liam explained

He looked up at Liam. Then studied Liam's hand that was currently holding mine.

He looked confused.

"Tara, do you remember Jackson?" Isaac asked.

I looked up at the ceiling and slightly squinted my eyes trying to remember why that name sounds so familiar.

"Uh n-no."



Just a filler. Sorry guys. I will update very soon. I have something amazing planned! Be very excited!


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