Chapter 1

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Moments are funny things, how one split second can change the course you choose. Sometimes you don't have any control over moments or how they shape you as a person and have such power over your life. These moments can be good and help you or the worst of all they can cut you deep from within.

I ponded what the day would bring while watching the rain fall against the car window . The summer in England was like a game of roulette one day the sun could be beating down on you without a cloud in the sky the next thunder storms. I was questioning my choice of dress, a simple short sleeved midi floral pattern with my trade mark white converse. Here we are again, ready to start the final year at Northgate Collage, Northgate was an old fashioned collage a beautiful stone building at the front of campus. Towards the back of campus the blocks became more modern, where it hosted field upon field of sport tracks  equipment and stadiums, the dorms where of to one side over looking campus grounds, The sport dorms however where settled further back due to the outrageous parties and ravers that would take place every weekend. They took a fifteen minute brisk walk or a five minute car ride. We have now spent two years here and we all knew our way around. Just

I checked my schedule a hundred times already. Being an art student everybody stated that all we do is sit around and paint but I was also re taking English lit which I loathed English I needed a good grade to get onto the internship program at Studio72 One of the best art galleries in the city. I was deep in my trance until Connor nudged me "You ok?, normally your so talkative on the first day back" "Yeah I don't no why I'm just nervous". Connor drove us as I had a stack of canvas and supplies in the boot, I didn't want to have to walk them all the way from the dorms and with the downpour of rain I was very grateful.

We had been friends since his family moved across the street from mine my mother made me introduce my self while she handed Connors mum a pot roast, We clicked straight away. He is such a friendly giant, His twin brother James older by one minute was annoying as hell until I introduce him to my best friend Olivia, then he was a different person like her beauty had put him under a spell. She looked like a reincarnation of Cinderella.There wasn't very much to do In the small town so it was either we got along or boredom would consume our days. Our little town had good connections to the city and two good collages, They rivalled eachother at everything, we all choose Northgate as it boosted sports, art and drama programs. The brothers got in on a sports scholarship, Olivia wanted to act and I wanted to take the art world by storm. Plus my family name helps, my older brother JC went here and he was very well liked. Im just the annoying young sister. I have been in his shadow ever since, he left. Something I had gotten used to at a very young age. We weren't pushed as kids but we had to do something with our lives. He's now touring the world writing for some fashion magazine but still visits home regally every time with a new Italian crafted suit and more ego. The look on my mothers face when he got photoed in the news was priceless, the paper clipping is framed and hung on the entrance way for all visits to see.

"See you at lunch Eve, usual spot?" Connor shouted after he helped my bring my stuff to the art room, I turned back and nodded. It made me chuckle watching him dart of in the rain.

 I plugged my headphones in and began.  I was so caught up in my sketchbook adding in details to the fine line Rose that I lost track of time. The hour had zoomed by, I'm not a perfectionist by any means. I like to see the beauty in the chaos but when I am in my zone I completely forget about time keeping. I quickly put my things away into my bag. Then made a run for it through the pouring rain. Why did the English block have to be so far away. The campus is massive it is manly a sports collage but it dose have a completive performing arts, theatre, and dance programs That where only intruded within the last five years but it seemed that the mix went well as it was hard to get a place if not for a scholarship or a family name.  By the time I had arrived I was wet through the martial clung to my damp skin, my hair was dripping down my back. I rang my fingers through it giving it a squeeze little drops of water hit the floor. Grateful I didn't spend too much time curling or styling it.  I scaled the stairs up to the room. I was the last person to arrive and Mrs Smith had gotten everyone into pairs to study the classic Romeo and Juliet she was harping on about the true meaning behind the tragedy. I hate Shakespear but this one I didn't mind it resembled most of my love life to date as they needed in tragedy. Olivia had already been paired of with Grace who took the class a bit to seriously but she didn't mean any harm. "Eve Jones why are you late? and on the first day to not a good start if you want to pass this time" the class froze and looked my way "Sorry". I could hear Olivia giggling at my expense, I walked on by and sat behind her. "forgot an umbrella did we?" "hahaha very funny unlike you I don't have a boyfriends jacket to keep me warm". She pretended to be all cosy in it. I got out my text book, fumbled around in my bag for equipment.

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