Chapter 20

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The ride to the beach is long we set off early after a hearty breakfast. All the team where grateful they all went to set up early. The roads are mainly country roads with winding hills and cute little picnic places. It looks to be the first day of proper summer weather. I have got my feet up on the dash board window down and music cranked up loud, its one of Connors favourite songs as he was the driver he got to choose what was on 'Beliver by Imagine dragons' was bellowing out . Olivia is cuddled up to James on the back seat and Connor is happily signing out of tune to the song. Jonny stands at the shop, some funky brimmed glasses cover most of his face waving madly with a case of cheep beer in the other hand. "Move up you to love birds" Olivia holds out a finger to stop him "Im in the middle I don't mind being in the middle I'm a lot smaller then the pair of you" After five minutes of everybody climbing over each other and Connor getting kicked in the head once or twice by Olivia as she repositioned her self we were off again. Jonny was joking to James about something but I missed the punchline "Better text lover boy where on the way don't want him worrying" Connor teased me. Jonny handed everyone there own pair of neon coloured sunglasses. We looked like some 90s pop group on tour.

Abel went with Rob and the guys yesterday straight after practice to get supplies, they had enough drink in the back of Robs truck to sink a ship along with large black speakers. This long weekend is going to be explosive in all the best ways possible. The boys where good at mastering enough drink to have a good time but not to much that they had a hangover when there feet hit the pitch. I was still learning. Connor was happy to drive us down to the beach as he had the bigger car out of us all, Our over night bags which are now stuffed into the trunk it was like a puzzle game fitting them in. There wasn't a sleeping arrangement sorted but I'm guising it was first dibs on the rooms as long as the rugby team had beds everybody else could fit in around them. When we heard the plan of action me and Olivia nearly jumped with glee meaning that we would get a bed to sleep on instead of the floor. Most of the collage will be at the party, Some of the girls where still debating weather me and Abel where actually together no matter how frustrated I got when they didn't Believe me. I understand it wasn't like a movie scene but I have learnt the Abel doesn't bend to conventional ways, I still like the fact the the lettering is still sprayed over the set of lockers . The team seem to be stronger then ever and there seems to be a new pact where Rob and his band of hullicoons cut the bullshit with me possibly because of Abels wicked right hook.

Me: Hi be there soon twenty four.

If he has two nicknames for me I would like him to have one

Able: next game I want you painted in my number

I turned the volume up as we all sounded like drowned cats singing along. In different pitches Jonny kept playing with my hair which annoyed the hell out of me, he didn't stop even when Olivia punched him every time his hand would reach out and told him to cut it out, I tried my best to lightly curl it, I thought the sea air would soon destroy it but the effort was there. Olivia and I took hours to get ready I decided to go with denim shorts that had frayed edges and a flowery top which covered my black bikini and had a dress as back up.Not to mention the foil wrappers I have. Olivia even slipped me two condoms just incase I flushed but not as badly as Connor did. As he already gave me one so I somehow felt a bit dirty knowing I had three in my pocket. Mint, blueberry and cherry flavoured. Arrocding to Olivia the flavour helped. She lost her V card to James after a party they where at, apparently James has band her from too many sour pop drinks as she gets very wild.

We got lost to the beach house as there where three backseat drivers, it was nearly dusk by the time we arrived. James had been before but couldn't remember if it was Oak drive or Maple avenue and due to signal it was helpless even trying google maps, After we rolled up to a very kind old retired couples house we decided that maybe we took the wrong gamble. As we rolled up the driveway I could see why Rob was so popular every boy wanted to be him and every girl wanted to be with him. The Beach house was something out of a holiday advert white features blue shutters a deck leading straight onto a private beach there was a small fire pit on the beach, already set up for a bonfire later. Connor looked very pleased with himself as he remembered to bring marshmallows. As we parked up there was a volley ball game going down on the beach some girls where already in the pool, wearing bright skimpy bikinis that just covered the areas needed. They put mine to shame. My phone Vibrated in my pocket, Ahhhh Liam again Connor read my face immediately. "Is he still bothering you" "Its Fine, lets go have fun" He breathed heavily at me with worry "Connor theres Noithing you can do, or I can do, he is just trying to get into my head, so please lets go have fun" I hugged him then we went in.

The floorpan of the house was amazing many rooms shooting of the corridors. We unpacked the car tossed the bag in an unoccupied room nestled away. I folded up my sunnies and put them in my top. The party was in full swing with people scattered everywhere I found Abel with a bag of ice slung over his shoulder in the kitchen with Rob. Rob was sorting out a keg, I weaved my way through the people waiting for a top up of beer. Jonny barged past me "Rob.... Dude who is the fit blonde in the pool" "dude that would be my cousin Ellie her folks are down for the weekend they have rented the house next door I'm guessing that will be used as an overflow party" "sweet!!!!!" just like that Johnny skipped the line of thirsty people and poured two drinks fluffed his hair and was out the door again. That poor gal dosent know whats about to hit her. She looked nearly identical to me but she had the brightest blonde hair compared to my dark brunette shade. I stood patiently waiting for Abel to finish tipping the ice into buckets. "Hi princess" Abel picked me up and sat me on the worktop "Hi twenty four" his grip held me there, his eyes scanning me he flicked the glasses that tugged on my top. He positioned himself in-between my legs. And came in to kiss me, he tasted a mix of earthy beer and sweet juice, he was already mixing his drinks. The weekend was his time to chill with rugby practice everyday and now after class, studying hard all week. However I have never actually seen him read a text book outside of class.

Olivia found us "Il have my usual, James and Connor want beers, Eve there's a new volley game starting and Connor needs you" "Roger that liv". I helped Olivia sort the drink request kissed Abel on the cheek but before I could leave he whispered in my ear "have fun il come see you after I have defeated Rob at beer pong" his grip was tight on my hand as his fingers stroked over my knuckles,"Oh princess what do I get if I win?" I blew him a kiss and mouthed me at him as I went out toward the beech. Looking back at his stare I might regret saying that later. The girls stood arms across the chest in ore of me as I flicked my hair over my shoulders. I hurried to Olivia who had found a good spectators seat right near the game. I borrowed her hair band to keep my hair out of my face. I felt like I should off wore war paint the way Connor was getting into the zone. 

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