Chapter 13

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The boys where all riled up this morning, they had a late practice last night and promised coach that they wouldn't party, Abel carried me out of Connors bed that I had tucked myself in so cosy, "Hey put me down" I was tapping him repeadtly on the back "Thats not your bed Princess" I waved to Connor as he came down the corridor. "Good Luck Eve" Abel kicked the door shut and slammed me down onto the bed the mattress bouncing with the motion. "Well I hope you cleaned the sheet, I don't know what skank you have had here last night" "No one" I huffed at him "You mean to say I have slept on that hard sofa, with Johnny as a pillow when I could of been in a nice warm bed" Johnny fell asleep watching a movie so I curled myself around him. He looked shocked that I mentioned Johnny. "Didnt know you missed me princess" He took of his Rugby gear and got in. "Sweet dreams princess" "Hope you have Nightmares Abel" Here we are now all shuffling onto the bus, The other bus that had the cheer team on and some other students followed behind, I felt like royalty going on the teams bus. Tonights game had to go well to set a good tone for the rest of the season. Even though they may look like machines they all where nevours leaving the house this morning, probably not helped by the tension between me and Abel. "Abel isn't Eve a dream to sleep with" I didnt even have to prompt Johnny to help me wind Abel up and god I loved him for it. The boys had a tight schedule over the weekend, they all set alarms to warm up together and Olivia was prepping me on how to get ready for a rugby game. Soon after we arrived she was knocking at the twin room we shared after seeing James off, she was a dab had at getting ready quickly, she had painted James number on her cheek I had Connors and Johnnys on mine. Which looking back it might look like I'm dating the pair of them We sent a photo in the group chat.

James: Don't you look cute

Olivia squeeled

Connor: awww, Thanks Girls

Johnny: Eve just admit you love me oh wait you already did that.

I rolled my eyes

The stadium was packed and we stood out like saw thumbs in the opposite colour to everyone else our two rows didn't match the roar of the other fans. As the cheerleaders warmed up the crowd with there polished routine I saw the appeal, tight uniforms being able to do flips, tricks and they where so flexible bending in all different shapes no wonder why the hotel was full of them hurrying of at breakfast this morning.

The flood lights dimmed on the pitch the music changed track and the home team came busting out onto the field shortly followed by Rob leading the line up, We clapped and did our best to cheer but we were a little drowned out but the boos from the crowd. By half time the score was tied, Abel took a hit to the head, somebody did a dirty tackle number fourteen looked like an evil animal and his stud connected with Abels forehead he just laughed. The ref called for VR the team all came jogging over to the bench. "Abel sit the next half out you know the rules no blood on the pitch" coach held a clipboard out while ordering Able to take the bench. He was not best pleased taking a slurp of water then spitting it out."Coach il sit for ten but then I'm back out there" "Fine" Even coach knew not to argue with him "As long as the medic agrees your good to play, Connor up on your feet start warming up, you will take Abels place" Connor hopped of the bench turned at me winked then went on running up and down the side of the pitch. Abel allowed the medic to take a look half of his face was smeared with blood where had wipped his shirt over it. He looked like a warrior back from battle, I found it very Hot. To hot There was a break in the crowd where the stopped chanting so I called over to Able "Hey twenty four" He spotted me straight away smiled and put his thumb up. I went closer to him "you like the sight of me covered in blood princess" he said slightly tapping the white grouse that was over the gash. "very beauty but be careful" God I sounded pathetic. I wasn't his mum and here I was sounding like one "So bossy" he actually winked at me. I got back to my seat as second half began. This is the thing one moment we can be having friendly banter and in the next breath I want to be strangling him or being strangled by him. The Northgate supporters where quite, me and Olivia were both holding our breaths tugging on each other jumping up and down willing them on as the ball got tossed down the line and hurled from left to right it was a fast past match up. By the time the score board revealed the team had one by two points all thanks to Abels last kick at the end. I was worn out and my throat was a little saw. The team all grouped in the middle of the pitch cheering slapping each other. James and Connor gave us the all clear so we could come on the pitch with them to celebrate. The other team were not in a good mood barging past us knocking into us, the cheerleaders looked like they where going to scarp at us. We reached the team with the other students that came and congrautled them on there victory. Connor was elated as I hugged him looking over at Able. "Good Game twenty four"


Me and Olivia leant up near the doors waiting for the guys to reappear. the four os us agreed to meet outside of the changing rooms before heading back to the bus there was no party tonight as we had a very early start due to the long journey back. There was already talk about having one as soon as we were back on home turf.

The loud noises from the rooms was intense, chanting names, reliving the play agreeing about some of the refs dessions. Rob was out first close followed by the twins. Some of the nasty looking rivals came next All wolf whistling at me and Olivia saying how they wouldn't mind throwing us around like a ball we tried to ignore it as they where trying to get a rise out from us. One made a comment how I could see his dick with 4d vision, that was it I had had enough "Is it that small should I bring a microscope" the guy turned number fourteen, getting a better look at the idiot in front of me he was off a stocky build some teeth missing and had short curly brunette hair. He had an evil look about him I think my comeback worked as his teammates all looked shocked.

Olivia just looked back and forth between me and the player who now was directly in my face. "Oh this one has a bad mouth on her, I wonder how it will look wrapped around my dick" his face edged nearer mine I started to feel uncorftable, just when Liam cornered me. Olivia called for James, Connor even Rob to turn back. He was long gone I put my hand on her arm to stop her, I didn't want to cause a problem let alone a bust up. "Well bitch what will it be?" The guy almost spat in my face. I shut my eyes for a moment. "Stop!" I put my hands flat against his chest, tring to push him back away from me. My first attempt was pointless. This was a complete different feeling to when Abel corners me. When we fight he gets millimetres away from my face glares down at me and calls me princess half to wind me up and half to see what I will say back. He kept edging near and near the other two started to close in on Olivia to "Stop!..." Before I could get out another breath I tried a second attempt at shoving him back this time I had help hand was over his shoulder. 

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