Chapter 29

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Olivia joined me on clean up duty which gave us the perfect time to catch up on everything. I had lost sight of Able but he was here somewhere in the house James was playing some Battle Royale game with Connor both of the giants was spread out on the sofa legs hanging off. Once we had filled to two bin bags Me and Olivia called it a night, the guys didn't have practice until after lunch tomorrow, they would still be there though at the crack of dawn. I needed a good night sleep to have some chance of the information to go in. After saying goodnight to everyone I went to Ables Room. The door was open a jar which wasn't normal for him to leave the door open at parties he was a very private man, I peered around the door, I immednalty wanted to pour bleach in my eyes

My heart sunk when I saw him standing at the end of the bed with Lacey propped up on the bed just in her sheer purple underwear, Her dress looked like it had been thrown off her, As I examined the nightmare with blonde hair I could see she had been crying. I went in passing Abel who looked like I just caught him at a murder scene. She turned her face towards me as I stood close to her now arms crossed my chest . My eyes where darting between the too of them. I spoke to her first "Would you care to explain where you with my boyfriend?" my question was straight forward looking for a simple answer I couldn't look at Abel in the eye right now. "Eve the one who changed Abel well let me tell you something Eve he will like you now tell you all the sweet things you want to hear but as soon as he gets bored of you he will throw you away" she got up and pushed passed Able and stopped before me, Bent over to gather her dress. I could feel my heart ripping through my chest "has he shown you yet " Abel moved to his desk leaning on the edge, his face was still red I could see had a pained expression on it."shown me what?" she tugged at the dress pulling it down the material nearly covered her arse and walked over to her jacker, out of her pocket she opened up a text thread from him, my eyes scanned the messages he was asking her for nude photos she kept scrolling and there it was a photo of her topless on the bed. This very bed. I couldn't see the date of the threads she scrolled to fast, but I could see the city scape artwork behind her face that was plastered in make up, thick lashes and her lips where painted with a fiery red shade "he will never change he will always want me before you" She fixed her hair blew Abel a kiss then stormed off.

I was left speechless. We stood there in silence for what seemed like forever Abel still was motionless until I tugged his shirt of me threw it down at my feet. Yes it now meant I stood there with my bra exposed and I was cold shivering from the shock but I couldn't be around his scent.There was a pounding in my heart a thick lump in my thoart no matter how hard I tried to swallow it, it didn't dissolve. I ran to the bathroom wanting to get his number of my face. He banged on the door loudly not caring if he made a scene "Eve please that was before we got together" he continued banging and finding with the door nob "The one time you lock the door Eve" I counted rubbing at my face not caring that I was making it red. "Rob had slipped me something in my drink to make me relax so In my drunken state I messaged her as a joke I had no clue she would actually send me a photo" "You swore to me you didn't do drugs" I shouted that was my one request from him, after seeing and knowing what it turned Liam into I couldn't be hurt by Abel if he dd something of his face. I left the bathroom he came closer towards me, I through my hands up not wanting to be close to him He grabbed my wrists together and held my hands, I thrashed at him not wanting him to touch me right now "Don't touch me!, go touch her" My look was so cold towards him he let go of my wrists. He carried on explaining him self while I fumbled through the draws looking for one of my sweaters "If that was true and all before me how come you haven't deleted the photo or the messages" I took a moment trying to make sense of the last moments. I continued while slipping the sweater over my head "I have no problem with you talking to girls or being friendly with them its something I have learnt to deal with it sort of comes with the package of being with you, its not easy seeing the cheerleaders swarm around you, however I don't go around bitch slapping them . Able do you know what truly hurts me? is the fact you didn't delete them" before he could answer I needed space I needed quite then I span on my heels and ran "Fuck!" his shouts where getting quieter as I got further away my heart was beating out of my chest and my head was pounding, I got my keys from the bowl, not the most wise thing driving with acholol in my system but I needed to get away I held the keys tight in my hand so they wouldn't make a noise. Surprised no one stired from the shouting match me and Able just had. I sprinted passed the guys in the living room I was too upset to answer any questions.I slammed the front door. "Eve!" He was close behind me but I left the house I got in my car and left not knowing which way to go.

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