chapter 25

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I got a hard slap on my shoulder "Oh mis loved up pay attention" Liv held up her note book which had columns for every detail titled with little illustrations. Sorry I was just paying attention to my man jogging up and down the pitch like a fan girl. A pen got thrown last my face. "Eve my dear he likes you and you keep his dick happy but right now pay attention" the colour in my cheeks was back to a light pink. "Remind me not to tell you again about the intermit details of our relationship". The whistle blew, pracice seemed like it went forever. I had managed to completed sketch out the roses "You two still organising the trip" Olivia smiled and tapped the pen on the page. Answering Johnnys question. With a sarcastic smile. Connor joined us "You know all the team are coming right, as long as I'm the head chef and you two couples have a cabin far away" Olivia now matched my pink face. "Why do you look like two raspberry's?" Johnny asked looking puzzled. "I was just saying that these two sex animals need to be far away from me" Connor joked. "Oi are you harassing my Gal" Abel said when he came jogging over. He planted a kiss on my forehead "beasuce thats my job" "Yes yes we know Miller, the walls are pretty thin" Johnny poked him on the shoulder. My face was now a deep pink. "Abels not the only one harassing Eve" Olivia looked at me knowing she talked out of line. Hey eyes full of guilt and right on cue Liam and his band of twats worked past he was smiling and swinging the baseball bat at me. Olivia quickly changed the conversation back to the trip and not about our sex life or my crazy ex who I have managed to avoid until his punk ass smile just now.

"I need to get going this art isn't going to paint its self" I tucked away my books and got up, Abel pulled my arm away until we were standing by the posts looking directly towards the batting cage. "What did Olivia mean?" So it didnt go un noticed of her poorly timed comment, where do I begin Liam still messages me, calls when your at a late practice oh he cornered me on the way home made me feel worthless. "Just Liam ...." Before I could get the rest of my sentence out he pushed me up on the metal fence of the batting cage where Liam was in, he kissed me so passionately my senses started to tingle he broke of the kiss looked above my head and smiled. If that kiss could talk it would say that I belonged to him. The reaction Abel wanted he got Liam was swearing under his breath as he walked with me tucked under his arm.I smiled to feeling safe, hoping that would of put an end to all of Liams efforts to get back with me. I was surprised that he didnt let go when we reached the changing rooms. "Twenty four you missed your stop" he smiled "i want to see your art" all of a sudden my tiny butterflies awoke. All the negative questions started to take over my thoughts what if he didnt like it, not that he was the one grading it but still I wanted to impress him. "Princess, I love your artwork chill" he took my hand and kissed it. Settling my nerves. "You have only seen small sketched and the canvas was barely started last time" opened the door to the art room and there is stood on the easel, I must admit I get goosebumps every time I see it not because I'm up my own asshole but the memories it evokes for me. Abel moved to get a better look, it was a large canvas and he was looking closely at every detail. "Have you got a name for this yet" I shook my head "want to see my new one. We had to create three for the end of year show, I had just started work on a more fine art approach trying to push myself out of my comfort zone. The canvas was all scribbled with different pencil markings and smudges. "A rose? Correct" I nodded and impressed he got the main outline from the amount of re tries it took.

"your so beautiful, your so talented and your mine" "Ditto" he looked puzzled at me. "Oh come on its a classic it means the same" still he had a confused face "you must of watched Ghost you know the famous love making scene with the clay" he leant back on the chair "is that why you love art?" "Oh yes I love getting down and dirty" He leant forward "That I know". 

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