Chapter 44

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I love you, eve you are my infinity.....only you

Connor nudged me from my daydream I was staring out at the trees which are now in full bloom. Connor was driving the four of us to the first Rugby game. I promised Him and James that I would be at the first game, I had lasted this long not speaking with him what another two hours. Today Its been a 2 months since I walked away from Able at the beech. Its also been a sixty two days I thought of him. Connor knocked on my door, telling me he was not leaving without me even if he had to force me into the car, he had drove all the way from the city at the crack of dawn to come and pick me up. I had ten minutes to get myself ready he joked saying that my pjs weren't suitable for cheering on the best rugby player of all time. I settled for jeans and my new sweatshirt I had brought with my first income. I had found my self a job, working at studio72 gallery, in the next town over. After my ocean painting was displayed in a London gallery it got picked amoung five other pieces. it wasn't long before they were requesting more of my abstract pieces. I landed an paid internship. My friends all helped me get settled into my new set up Olivia brought her lable maker said it was her heaven. She is staring her first term doing her stage course at a threader group, Her and James shared an apartment on the outskirts of the city. Which suited them down to a tee, Connor snapped up one of the new city scapes flats with one of the team members. My place was small but its a roof over my head and somewhere I can call home, I had no man to share it with and haven't had company so the one bedroom was ample. I loved the sitting room most of all it had a beautiful bay window that overlooked the small patio and garden. When I stepped outside, I saw my two other friends leaning up on the car. Right then I was taken back in time to our many road trips together. Dreamland still hasn't reopened, my nights are just consumed with darkness its the only time that the numbness stops. How much time dose it take to truly heal. He has messaged me everyday in the morning so he is the first person I think of and the last person I think about at night all that the message has on it is the rose emoji with the words

Only you

Connor parked the car, we left the boys at the changing rooms and made our ways to the seats. The boys must be nervous there first game playing in the big leagues it was pretty set in stone that they would play in with the big guns. After the championship win the phone calls came rolling in it was a no brainer when they both got signed for the Knights. The only slight thorn in mysids about being here is Able I had managed to dodge him at the parties, Connor has informed me that he isn't seeing anyone to his understanding. Come to think of it I believe most of the team made the move with them. Being back in the stadium flooded me with memory's, the crowds atmosphere was wild. Chants, cheers and applauds filled the rows. I thought collage games where loud but I was wrong. The rumble of noise didn't let up, it was a constant hum in the background. Soon enough both teams ran onto the pitch. Olivia couldn't stop smiling at her man on the pitch. My heart started to thump as the team kept coming out Connor waved to the crowd I could see his face on the big screen he looked full of nerves. The two of us hugged eachother full of giddiness when we squeeled for them. Two people after Connor, I recognised him instantly he hadn't changed much his shoulders where broader I don't even now how that was possible. He had cut his hair slightly shorter, his tattooed arm had more ink added to it, but I couldn't make it out as the camera changed to the other players.

By half time my voice was saw from happily screaming when James had scored his first try .Olivia was happy that all the late night training had payed of that her man had made it. She rang me one night in such a state saying that she was near her whits end but as I looked at her I could see that it was worth it. I was walking back up the stairs weaving out of the line she was still her beaming with joy. I didn't realise that a large clearly drunk man was waving his arms around dancing to the beat of the half time show. I tried to worm my way around him but he wasn't budging. I nudge passed him "Watch it missy!" His remaining beer spilled out of the cup splashing me in the process. I dropped my popcorn all over the floor he then pushed passed me huffing as he went to go and sit down, I had to grab the railing for balance. Great my new sweater was ruined, A hand came over me followed by the black artwork grabbing the guy on the shoulder "Oi you apploisgise" The guy turned around he flashed a horrible grin. "Your going to lose you match twenty four" This isn't happening this isn't happening. "Dont test me, now say your sorry" the guy got tugged up by his shirt and hurled back over to where I stood with Abel inches away from me "Alright sorry!" The guy put up his hands like he was being arrested. Able let him go. His eyes where on me. "You ok?" I nodded not coming up with anything to say to him. I had pictured what our first encounter would be I knew it was invertible that I would run into him at some point but not like this. I stand before him wet and smelling like a strong beer great. His eyes where tracing my face, much the same as mine was scanning his. People where trying to get past us but he wasn't moving I was stuck between him and the railing. "Thank you" was all I could muster. He took a step back so I could move. Olivia complained that I took long and was more annoyed that I arrived back empty handed. "What happened now?, you stink" as I explained the event to my friend she half laughed before checking I was ok. "Gal breathe ok its ok" She put an arm around me "Chin up big smile on and let go kick some arse" "You know we aren't playing right" she chuckled at me "Come on did you learn anything at collage team spirt is everything" We laughed reminding about our wise words of our former principal.

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