Chapter 4

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The corridors where empty as I walked down the familiar route to English, nobody was in the classroom I found my seat, I put my bag on the desk but before I could sit down I looked up at the door way. There he was in a black t-shirt and denim jeans the gold metal matched the light Abel stood in the door way slightly damp from the rain, he just stood there for a bit just looking at me his eyes where burning. I lost every word not knowing how to react in the moment. His eyes poured into me never loosing focus of me, With his long strides Abel soon reached me his tall statue was over me He didn't say anything but he leant down and stroked my cheek with his thumb then he swipped It over my bottom lip gently before kissing me hard. We were frozen in time locked with in each other.

"Eve! ... Eve wake up you missed the alarm" Connor was shaking me "I saved you some toast downstairs" I woke all flustered from that dream,"Ok ok I'm up, morning" checking my phone no new messages form Liam thank god."Come on Eve get up" Connor pulled the covers from me. I groaned at Connor so he shoved a pillow on my face which of course started a small pillow fight I let Connor win, I had to on some occasions. Somebody knocked on our door complaining of the loud noise that it effected his hangover. I applied a small amount of what ever make up I had in my bag and brushed my hair. Slipped into my light denim jeans and blouse, and sprayed the hell out of it with my rosey body spray.

Rushing out of the door I got my bag caught in the handle and I was nearly dragged back . Abel stood with his toothbrush in his mouth with a towel wrapped around his waist. Yep no other ink and hell, My inner goddess wanted to lick his chest. I could just make out tiny red scars that where scattered all over his chest. Connor unhooked the strap "Morning Abel take it you got the last room" Abel peered past me, he just nodded at Connor "Love to chat some more but this one was kicking in her sleep, and over slept the alarm so we are running late. See you at practice" Connor shoved my shoulders and started to walk me forward, I turned back and he was leaning on the door frame. On the short car ride over I was in deep thought of the dream trying my best not to over think it, every time I thought of it how deep the passion was it made me tingle slightly and now that I have seen him topless, well. We would off walked but as I made us late he offered to drive. "Get ready for the crap weather report " Connor complained while tuning into the radio, over the speaker predicting the weather forecast, Sunshine but with a chance of some light showers. Simultaneously we both looked at each other, rolling our eyes Connor flung me one of his jackets and laughed."Thank you" Checking my timetable for the fifth time since we set off. "Eve ..." Connor started "Yes Connor" I matched his tone "is Lydia dating anyone?" I paused for a moment not wanting my words to sound motherly. "Not that I know of, Connor you have liked her since you set your eyes on her" I paused "As long as we are still each others back up if we are forty and alone, then I say pluck up the courage and go for it" I took a breath. When we started high school we made a to be each others back up just incase and now with Liam putting his dick in someone else the pact still stands "Jesus I only asked a simple question wasn't expecting you to pinpoint every little detail".

As Connor started to park Olivia sprinted over towards the car. Being careful not to spill the two iced coffee God I hope thats a muffin in her hand as well.

James must already be getting in some practice before class "Eve Eve Eve..." nearly out of breath she yelled over the groups of people pushing her way through reaching my window tapping fast on the glass. "What!" I yelled back" "Um Olivia can I at least park please!" Connor demanded while looking in his mirrors "Fine!" Olivia looked defeated. She moved herself back to the curb, I got out the car as quick as I could scrambling with my bag straps and trying to tie Connors jacket around my waist. Showing a paintbrush that was poking up at the top. "Right where is the fire" a term my group use in emergency and gusing by how pinched her brows where it was an emergency, I stood there waiting in anticipation. Olivia looped her arm through mine as I took a coffee and a muffin tipping the empty tray in the bin. Connor walked behind us "Party at Robs place this weekend, his parents are out of town" When ever Robs folks where out of town he would through the most legendary raves that would last all weekend. Even more wild then the ones at the rugby house. Olivia has only been to a few before it was very VIP who got invited at first but now that they are the most talk about party everyone gets an invite. However I have always turned down the offer. "Im not sure" Part of me wanted to go let me hair down, but I needed to study to but I was scared to get the reputation of the girl that never comes out of her room. "Eve, you of all people need to go have fun" Connor chimed in on our conversation. If Connor would go I would feel more safe, the other parties I have been to in the past with Liam was just an excuse to get drunk or high and that wasn't my scene. "Eve please" from Olivia this time tugging on my arm like an annoying child when there parent says no."Ok fine il go" Olivia squealed with joy in such a pitch that I think dogs would be able to communicate with hear. "Ok Party Animal " Connor politely reminded us about the time. The boys had practice all morning, I had Art then I would see Olivia in English.

Olivia: All in no backing out

Directed at me

James: was that directed at Eve I wonder:) You will be there. Connor will look after you

Olivia: Yes Mrs perfect is partyyyyinnnggggg :)

Connor: I made her go, your welcome

Great thanks guys

Eve: You know I can read this right?

James: We know.... Its just fun to mess with you.

Johnny: I have already got a drink with eves name on it

I rolled my eyes wondering what poison he would make me.

Eve: To late to back out?

Olivia: No Bitch....Love ya :)

After the group messaging had finally seemed to stop I switched my phone to silent so I could considerate on my artwork, I put a timer on my phone so I wouldn't be late for English, I learnt by doing this that I could fully submusse myself into the painting without clock watching However today when the paint stroked the canvas I was picturing his chest the way his muscles constricted as he breathe calmly infront of me how I could see water beads trickle from his shoulders all the way to the triangle outline of his chest. I have some time to spare after I tidied away my paints. The great thing about Art is you are left to your own devises apart from the occasionally check in by our so called tutor not that she ever pays much attention until the final stages. She reminds me how a butterfly transforms the first couple of months she cocoons in the back of the room stroking her chin looking deeply into the artwork but then the last couple of weeks she breaks out of her shell and starts fluttering around us all like crazy. Oh bother I knew I had card out for some reason, I also needed to make a birthday card for Johnny I promised him last night that I would paint his sister something, She was always a fan of my work apparently to what Johnny shows her over instagram. When Johnnys dad died his mum remarried and his little sister is so sweet I could eat her up.

Im in my own world leaning on my sketchbook drawing the outline of a tiger for her while I walk to English, it helped with the butterflies that where soaring in my stomach. I thought it was just because of the class and not trying to think of the other six four reason it could be. I looked up to see that Olivia wasn't in but the seats where free at the back so I headed straight for them. Mrs Smith was at the back dishing out papers. I plonked my self down and readjusted the jacket around my waist, carried on getting my stuff out. "Over here Able..... this seat is free" all the girls where fighting over him but to my surprise his text book was placed next to mine and he sat down beside me. "not sitting with your new fan club, I hear you like the blondes" Olivia stood slightly shocked that her normal space was taken. I shrugged my shoulders at her. "Sorry Olivia, she is mine for the next hour" All the girls faces looked jealous or like they were going to kill me. Olivia moved back to the seat she had the other day infront of me, mouthing something at me which puzzled me as she look over her shoulder "Hi princess by the way" his deep voice reminded me of the dream last night and snapped me back to his towering figure this morning. At this rate I'm going to need another space in my mind just for him as he started to overload my normal thinking capacity. "How was your first day?" I asked while highlighting some of the finer print. "Aright, new jacket?". I looked down while his hands pulled on the dangling arm, tightening it around my waist. "umm no its Connors, apparently I don't look good like a drowned rat" Olivias laugh was not subtle so I managed to kick her seat, her face was not impressed when she turned around. "Is that why you where running out of his room this morning". That didnt make me flush but the way he made it sound it came off as he was jealous of something oh yes our encounter when you where topless.

My phone buzzed,

Olivia: Costume drama running late

I must of missed that one when I turned my phone to silent

Olivia: wow are you two actually talking ;)!

I rolled my eyes

Abel was looking over at my screen I slammed it down on the desk. He smirked. The next forty five minutes seemed to drag on. In the breaks of Mrs smiths explanation " I hear you are going to Robs" his tone was more of a demand. I nodded my head "good" Once Mrs Smith finished the slide show she announced that next lesson each of us would get a charater from the play version of Romeo+Juliet, so we could do a whole class reading. Kill me now 

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