Chapter 40

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They say in moments of panic you don't think straight, I could let alone breathe. As soon as the taxi pulled away and I left the driver happy at my generous tip I went up the path.

The large black doors where open, the small glass frame had been cracked. The house was dead silent, you could hear just the unsteady beat of my heart. The entrance way was pitch black. The hollow pit in my stomach started to grow into panic of the unknown that I was stepping into I turned the touch on my phone and moved cousrisly through the hallway. Carefully steeping over the tiny peaces of the broken window on the floor, the glass shining like little diamonds bouncing of the bright light. I got to a safer place and took my heels of and slipped my converse on quickly and quietly. If I needed to run I wasn't going to half my chances. I scanned the entrance way there was no sign of anybody. The photos Olivia put up of the team from there championship game where cracked and half hanging on the wall. More smashing, cracking and breaking sounds bust through from living room. I carefully walked over the shards of glass and headed to where the noise echoed, A stream of light broke through the crack in the door. I peered in the archway of the large lounge. The table was broken. Liam sat on the sofa his hood up and he had a mask similar to Abels from the party, the baseball bat beside him . "Liam what are you doing". "Nice of you to Join Us" Us? A pair of heels tapped along the floor. "Eve, so nice of you to join the party" Lacey came in shoving past me with a bottle of alcohol in her hand, she sat herself down in between Liam and the bat, taking a large gulp of the bright blue liquid. It was Johnny's favourite, he had been saving it for when he graduated. Another reason for my wrath of anger to grow. "Liam I know you want to hurt me but why drag everybody else into it?" Lacey laughed and giggled. "I have no clue in what Abel sees In you" She handed the bottle to Liam who took another large drink from it. Wiping his mouth. "Eve you should of just stayed with me kept all of this from playing out" He dusted him self up then got up. "Even though you have played your part well" he stepped closer to me, Lacey just swung her legs up onto the sofa. "Do you really think I would burn your sketchbook or break his hands or tare this spit of a house down" He shook his head. Still stalking closer to me " I wanted to get you away from him long enough so I could claim you again as mine". He let his cards full to what he had in mind and I knew I had to get out of the house, quick. Lacey was just hear to taunt me I could tell in the way her face looked panicked from his vile words. She went up to him and tugged him on the arm. "You said we where only messing with her get her to drop out then I could get Abel back" He smiled at her "Oh she will never want to be touched by another man when I'm done with her" He took another small step towards me. "Oh and Lacey dear I have the nude photos of you ready to hit send if you don't follow up your end of the deal" She swallowed a lump in her throat, shame and embarrassment washing over her pretty face. She fumbled for something in her bag. In that moment I shoved Liam in the chest hard, spun around and ran for the door but my legs weren't quick enough. My hair got pulled back, the chain got tangled to and tighten harshly around my neck. It suddenly restrictied my air ways Then the room moved quickly as I was thrown down onto the ground. His hands still hard a painful grip on my hair dragging me back into the lounge, my dress ripping over the glass I tried grabbing a larger bit in my hand but the scoring pain over my skin I couldn't grip the sharp edges. The thumping in my head started. Liam stood over me "Cant cry for help" He took his mask of and through it beside me. Lacey shadow came over me she was standing above my head. "Liam I cant" her bright flash was shining in my eyes, darting over my face. He stepped over me. I took that opportunity to turn onto my side and get myself up. Liam was detracted enough with her fighting about me, He grabbed her wrists, she whimpered. "Take the bloody photo" as soon as he spat in her face he was back stareing me down. I darted for the door again, but his long reach was had to evade, his arms now had hold of my chest in a tight squeeze and he gaged my mouth with his palm over it. "be a good girl and follow instructions, it doesn't have to be like this" I tried to thrash my arms up I tried moving my legs to buck him, but it was no use. Being a baseball player all of his strath was in his upper body. He tilted my head to one side. "If you don't I will use this" He moved his one arm from my chest his hand was still over my mouth then a cool steel blade was pressed onto my cheek."Shhh shhh, don't cry not yet" Lacey stepped around to face me, her face looked pale like she had seen a ghost. "Liam you said you wouldn't hurt her" "And I wont if the bitch behaves" then he trailed a kiss down my neck and it felt like it was burning my skin. I felt sick.

I Could of head butted him early from the angle he stood behind me, however he still held the knife to my cheek. So I decided to act in a different way if I compile will he stop or was he already to far gone over the edge of the point of no return. I only caught a glimpse of his eyes, hell he probably dosent even no what he's doing or who is holding. I patted him on the arm "You going to behave bitch" I slowly nodded my head twice he let go of my mouth. I sucked in the air, in steady breaths as I could manage. "Theres no need for this , what do you want" his hand dropped the blade to his side and his other grabbed my chin "i want you" He was tiny millimetres away from my face and I could see a dusting of white powered on the top of his black shirt. He was so fucked up on the drug he sniffed he probably thinks this is all a dream. I wasn't going to stand around and let the nightmare play out though. Lacey moved around to her bag, put her phone away and was storming of to leave. Liam lunged for her pointing the blade to threatener her. Then the world felt like it had gone into slow motion, I was the true target of Liams haterid and I couldn't bare the thought of anyone else suffering because of it. I moved myself in-between them. The ripping of my fabric came next, the sound of Lacey shreik shattering around me, the burning pain in my side. Liam had stabbed me in the motion of lunging for Lacey. I know stood barley infront of him his face was full of agony as he ripped the metal from my side. A thick train of my blood stained the end. I fell to my knees with a thud putting my palms over the open wound applying pressure. The colours of Lacey dress twirled before my eyes as she ran out of the house, Followed by the darkness of Liam. I bent over the pain radatinging through my side under my ribs. My dress was ripped, torn and now damp with my blood as it pooled in the fabric. My whole body went limp, I heard the squeals of car tires in the faint background, the door slamming reisharing of the walls shaking the whole house. "Eve" Abels roar filled my ringing ears, he came to my side cradling me close to his chest his hand over mine. "Eve don't close your eyes" His cry was deafening as he muffled more into my hair stroking my aching head. "Stay with me Princess" "Stay with me" My eyes felt heavy the shadow of black creeping into my vision erasing Abels face. "Eve" the last thing I remember was him sobbing my name. Then my eyes shut closed.

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