Chapter 39

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Where sat on the floor nestled between the bookshelves at the back of the classroom. Surrounded by knocked down pages and old books. He has me in his arms snuggled up in between his legs, I'm resting my head on his chest, he still has the top two buttons undone so I'm enjoying the heat coming of his abs, he managed to zip me back up into my dress after tugging at the fabric but I'm enjoying the feeling of his cum trickle down the side of my thigh. There was no tissues to clean my self up, His dark mind is in love with the fact that I have his cum smeared down my leg. I know because his thumb is gently grazing patterned around the sticky stream. An hour ago Abel said that he had loved me which I was still in a trance about. My phone kept going off but I ignored it , probably Olivias countless photos from the night being pinged in the group chat, I turned so I could kiss him, I sighed into him. As our lips touched my phone went off again, "Go on before Olivia sends a search party" I got up and straighten my dress a little as the fabric had twisted a little due to how I was sitting then fluffed up my hair, happy I went with curls as they now disguised the fact I had just been fucked in every corner of the room. My lipstick had left traces on his dick, He smiled down at the smudges before he tucked his dick back into his boxes. There was no mirror to check the rest of my face it was still a little clammy from the heat of the motions. Now worshiping Olivias idea to test out the many tubes of Black waterproof mascara I never thought I would cry at a dance but to cry over an orgasaom was mind blowing. Just hoping I don't resemble a panda, My phone vibrated again this time I checked it. There was a new message thread from Liam I had blocked his last number and I knew the moment my eyes where drawn to the photo of the baseball bat that he had some bad intentions, then seconds later I got a photo on of a paper burning in pieces. No not my drawing. then there was a photo of the Rugby House my heart was in my mouth,I was panting for all the different reasons this time. If I had told Abel about any of the photos I just received he would murder Liam and I'm not saying that lightly. The day I told him about the constant Harassing I had to drag him back into the house, plus I didnt want to drag the team into the mess That was mine to solve. I couldn't risk that after most of them got signed to play in the big leagues. I had to come up with a plan and a plan fast. As my man was standing before me re buttoning the last two on his shirt. Think happy thoughts and mask the pain within that feels like a tsunami wave bubbling up at the surface. I scrolled through my messages once more he sent while Abel was doing the devils work on me, others that I missed a voice note to. I couldn't play that yet not with Abel so close. I bit my bottom lip from trembling and giving away how I truly felt."Well twenty four we should get back to the party". I kept my voice steady as I could as it was near breaking. After a moment he looked up at me slowly his eyes gazed from the bottom of my dress all the way till they met mine. His hands finally touched me again so gently hardly holding me. "I love you twenty four" Abel paused for a moment a look of fear and anger took over his plain expression. "Whats wrong Princess?" He questioned me. Was he starting to see through the fake smile I painted on my face. I wish in this moment I had Olivias acting skills. His hands slunk away from my lower back, I wanted to grab them and place them back on me just for him to hold me a while longer. I wanted to scream to him what Liam was plotting however the words never came out. I didn't know what to say or do. I whispered at him trying to printed to be very girly and that seemed to do the trick "I need to pee". He smiled and the concern look went. He moved to me and kissed me on the forehead stroked my cheek and whipped a single tear that was rolling down my cheek, I didn't realise that my whole body was shaking let alone that I started to cry "Look at me....Look at me" I didn't have a response, I gazed up at him "You're so beautiful" He grabbed my hand and without another word we left the room. I wanted to be back in there lock the door and escape the nightmare that Liam was designing but I knew I couldn't. I peeled myself out of his grip, when I was at the girls bathroom my fingers brushing past every digit of his. "See you in there remember you owe me a dance" "Eve we have just danced" well if that was his sort of dancing he liked then sign me up for lessons. No don't get distracted with his words, they are like my own version of krypthnte. As soon as he went through the hall doors, I went to the art room to see if the photo didint lie. As I walked I played the voice note on my phone and looked back at the messages.

Liam: Eve you will always be mine no one else can have you

Liam: I miss you

Photo message attached

My beautiful drawings ripped to shreds.

Voice note: 2mins 4secs

Photo message attatched

Baseball in his hand

Photo message attached

The front of the rugby house.

Shit the door was locked I tugged at in in frustration banging on the wood I yelled fuck, I had no bobby pins to try and pick the lock and I would have no clue where to start. I peered through the glass, I could just make out that my canvas was intact under the Hessian fabric. My sketchbook was on the table and looked to be untouched. Liam was truly playing with fire and I wanted him to burn. What turns a man into a monster I have no idea, but Liam was beyond the point of help. A couple came in my direction so I made a quick dash to the nearest bathroom, at least if the girl comes in here it looks less suspicious of me sneaking around the art room. As soon as the door swung shut every possible emotion hit me through my body.

I bent over the sink bile rising in my throat but I swallowed it down, My Mascara was a little smudged so I grabbed a tissue and dotted my under eyes. I replayed the voice not again now I could get my mind to really hear what he was saying, he was luring his words and where every he was it was noisy there was music pumping in the background. In the voice note He had threaten me with a promise if I told anybody he would break Abels hands with the bat, meaning his rugby career would be over before it even began. Then he left me a set of instructions to follow. Which where simple come now and come alone, and most of all no police otherwise he would tare the house down. Walking back down the corridors I put my mask back on not that it was much a disguise as people greeted me in the corridor. I stared into the main hall through the slits in the door. Smiling happy faces beamed. I wish I had just two minutes to dance a song with my friends, but time was already slipping. Even Connor was shaking a move. Abel was standing with Johnny who stood by the drinks in the corner closest You couldn't miss him he was a colour neon rainbow.The Music started to fade into a love song, Some couples where coming out, and Abel was pulling his phone out, my cue to exit. When I got out l I hitched up my dress and tried jogging but it was no use these heels where painful and nipped at my toes, Make a mental note to self next time go for comfy not sexy. My feet just managed it to where the taxis parked along the campus entrance, I knocked multiple times on the passenger window of the first car I saw. "Can you take me somewhere please" not waiting for a response I read out the address to the driver. "Yes..." Before he could finish his sentence I opened up the door and got in. In the back seat of the taxi I fiddled with the gold chain around my neck. My heart was beating faster then the time Abel told me to run from him. The red light we hit felt like an eternity on the way back to the house but sure enough we came up to the driveway, saw I had messages from Abel and Olivia.

Abel: Princess where are you, I owe you a dance

Me: Coming, Just touching up my lipstick as most of it is smeared on your cock ;)

That should keep him for a while.

Olivia: Eve come take a photo.

Me: Im peeing, unless you want a photo of that then go for it:)

Right with those two answered to I had to get my head in the game, Liam sounded more drunk then I have ever known him to be.

I turned my phone on silent. The headlights showed Liams truck, parked along the verge along with another car. Looking like someone had dumped it here, Not very skilfully I grabbed the money that I slid into the cups of my dress just incase. Abels face was a picture when the notes dropped to the floor when the fabric peeled off my tits. I folded out the money handing two twenty the notes to the driver. I over paid but hey I didn't have time for chit chat. 

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