Chapter 8

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James eventually came bounding over to us with shot glasses in his big hands. Apparently this was making up for the last party I missed when my high ex ruined it for me I turned down all the other requests to come out. I was dragged out of my dorm half an hour ago by Connor arriving at the rugby house over his shoulders . I was on the phone to Lydia at the time he came crashing into my room, he did let me explain to Lydia and I had time just to step out of my Disney theme pjs and into a dress. The red dress that never got a fair show from the awful party where my ex completely fucked up my night. Apart form finding out a little bit more about how Abels mind worked. I enjoyed my coffee date with Lydia it was just like old times she said she was getting on well with her dance program and the rumours about her and Logan seemed to have died down just enough. We shared a lot in common with boys who blew hot and cold. That was nearly three weeks a go now. Its been nothing but awkward moments between me and Abel. After I woke with him staring at me in bed after having an explicit dream of him. I tried to avoid him but he was everywhere I looked. There was no escaping him in the real world and the dream world. English was the worst he could take his pick of any other seat but no he chose mine even telling Olivia to move, even when I tried to sit somewhere else he made poor Tom get up and move to a different seat "Cant escape the beast princess" was his exact words as he slung his book down in front of me He was playing a wicked came of fucking with my mind. Not to mention the first game is next weekend so the boys have been out on the pitch none stop. The other day I was happily a sleep on the sofa after I dozed of after watching a Ron-com marathon with Olivia Abel woke me up by yelling "Boo" in my ear and shaking my shoulders, I screamed the place down, as he pinned me there everybody found that historical. I shoved him off me. "I like it when you fight me princess" all of that has happened in the space of twenty one days so I deserve to let me hair down. I took the shot and necked it back. After me and Olivia hit the dance floor we where back outside cooling off by the pool side.i instantly wanted another shot as little miss barbie was flicking her hair of her shoulders as she laughed at something Abel said. Courtney was perched up on Abels lap, Cleary enjoying the attention she was getting. I carried on chatting with Olivia until she ditched me "Ok I'm going to see my man". James was in a heated beer pong game. I could hear his loud roar over the music. I leaned back on my elbows watching the moon in the sky knowing if I look back to the front view I would see her nestled on his lap. My phone vibrated at my side.

Liam: Im sorry for how I acted at the other party, I'm sorry please please please I need you.

He needs me has he looked online about sweet words to say to try and win a girl back well it wasn't going to work.

"Your so pretty Emmie" "Im not Emmie" a drunk guy was slurring at me, Oh great Abel has got front row seats as he watched the man take a drink before he sits beside me. How much had this guy had to drink?. I wanted to escape he moved closer to me, he smelt like a beer factory. I looked around for an escape route but couldn't due to the noise of pointed high heels on the decking and a shriek came in my direction. I am assuming that Emmie a fiery red head was now in front of me looking pissed off "Hey get away from my man" maybe her bottle die had gone straight to her head. "I don't want you man" the guy wasn't helping the situation by leaning on my shoulder. Her grip on her drink tightened before she tipped her cup pouring her drink down my dress the liquid was sticky and smelt sour. I stood up brushing of the drips "I didn't do anything" I wanted to get past her to leave her to deal with her man however she wasn't moving. Her boyfriend had fallen off the lounger and was now on the floor laughing. I spotted Johnny wearing his statement shades with neon rims, even at night he would wear them at parties. I waved as best I could calling him over. Emmie started to poke me "Get your paws of my man" Her nail extensions sunk into my bare arms thankfully Johnny was at my side and not too intoxicated as I thought. "Jonny can you take out the trash" I pointed at her not caring that my dress was ruined anymore. Maybe the dress was unlucky even though Olivia made a joke saying I would get lucky in it. In my mind I'm laughing but on the outside I'm pissed off. This is why I have turned down the invites to come and party it seems to be always me who has some drunk shit to deal with or a high jealous ex. "Trash who are you calling Trash! You are the one dressed like a cheep hooker!" I stared down at my once beautiful red dress She shoved me Johnny tried to step in between us but I stepped around him. At her last word of hooker left her lips the red mist started to take over my clear vision, I told myself she was probably drunk or high from smoking weed in the bathroom. However nobody had the right to call anyone a hooker. I was so mad I didn't see straight and before I knew it our hands where one each other and we were in a cat fight, scraping at each other, slapping and pulling hair Men where yelling fight at the pool side girls had there phones out videoing. Abel was sat there smirking at the sight of us. She had a couple of good shoves in her before she grabbed my hair and pulled me, I wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of winning. I slapped her hard across the cheek a big smile on my face, there where some claps from the onlookers and I turned heading For Olivia who fist bumped the air for me dusting my self down once again I made it two steps before she grabbed me on the arms and knocked us down straight into the pool.

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