Chapter 32

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I was glad just to be watching my feet where still numb a bit from running so hard this morning . Ididnt see Abel to speek too, but his eyes where glued to me he was warming up . He mouthed something at me but I couldn't work it out. Im sitting in the front row waiting for the torment to start. Northgate dose have team spirt I will give it that. The match up looked to be a fiery one, every year even though it was a advertised as a friendly sports day it always turned into a blood bath. The first year James took part he nearly broke his leg as he went flying to the ground. After the Pricnapla welcomed everybody back after the picnic lunch where I tried to explain everything to Connor and crew they where still shocked that Liam could scoop that low. Johnny Joked that I should get a tracker in my phone. A loud of cheers came behind me as the team where announced the cheerleaders did a beautiful routine. Both me and Olivia tilted our heads to the side and squinted as one girl jumped into a split

There he was handsome, rough and a sight to see right at the back of the line up. The first half was easy the coach even looked relaxed and settled by the half time, Connor dashed over to the subs bench and shouted for me. I met him feeling confused. "Here" Connor then handed me a crumpled up note. I had to re read it twice. It was a letter from him and actual letter, the man of very few words has written me a letter the end line nearly broke me it simple read Only you. Connor gave me a pat on my leg knowing what I was going to do. The half time break I showed Olivia the hand written letter and even she said I had to forgive him, Jonny took a bit more persuading to get on board with me giving Able a second chance. Possibly because he had sneaked liquor to the game and has drunk nearly all of it and partly didn't have a clue what was going on. Eventually he caved he gave me the look of, ok go I will always be here but if he every hurts you again he will put a gun to Abels head. To be fair they all thought that but they also knew how much I cared for Abels. It scared me sometimes how much I felt for him.

I yelled across the pitch letter in my hand flapping around in the wind "Oi twenty four!" I couldn't seen him, there where two groups deadlocked into a scrum formation and some people kicking balls over the posts. The board said they had five minutes left of half time From where I stood nobody heard me, I watched the balls flying through the air as best I could and moved closer "TWENTY FOUR" I moved closer I shouted again. This time his head bopped up from one of the scrums, He ran over to me ignoring the whistles from coach. James also came into my line of site grabbing a drink. Able came over to me I met him half way on the pitch. "You wrote this" I held the letter up to his face. He took one step closer to me, his shirt was all stained and his shorts where thick with mud. "Only You". Those two words made the event from a couple nights back disappear from memory. "I can forgive you Able, but I need to learn how to trust you again" He didn't say anything for a moment. He stood there watching me as I folded up the letter and put it back in my pocket. There was still balls being tossed over our heads. "Can I kiss my girl now" I nodded my head. His dirtied hands scopped my legs up so I could wrap them around his waist His hands griping me there holding me tightly I put my arms around his neck, his skin was a bit damp, he smelt like of damp grass, with a hint of his musky aftershave was faint I had no care in the world that we were in the middle of the pitch and could be hit any second by a rouge ball. Not to mention not just our collage but the other three watched to. When he held me like this close to him, his skin radiated heat, I probably had mud on my jeans but I didn't care. Right here right now in the middle of a muddy rugby pitch Able claimed my mouth again kissing me .The day of not speaking giving each other space all faded away. Our foreheads pressed each others and we kissed so passionlety Coach angrily marched over to us "If you are quite done we have a game to win" and the guys told us to get a room. Able broke the kiss first. I was beginning to think that he was my devil. By the end of the day the team held up the cup high confetti cannons went off which was way over the top, Principal said thank you to the other collages for taking part with a slight grin of pride on his face. I think that has to go down in history as one of the most eventful sports torudents the collage has ever seen.

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