Chapter 16

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Connor flung me a drink my way as I plonked down at the table "What you daydreaming about now" I fiddled with my juice cap wondering what to answer to his question, I took a long drink "not much". I lied. Just the demon I share a bed with. The demon I have dream fucked a hundred times in my head. Connor carried on eating his loaded chips. Olivia poked me hard on the shoulder "So you realise that tall, not so knight in shining armour, pool rescuer has made it clear he's not with anyone " I nearly choked on my juice "What????" "you heard me" Olivia continued to go on "Yeah that poor girl Lacey left in such a state after a party but I'm sure she will have another collage boy within two days and Abel can take his pick I have a tally going on you see, I make it nine girls have offered to be a shoulder to cry on if needs be not counting the girls at away games then I think its fair to say we might be in triple figures" My mind was a wash of thoughts.

I left before everyone else, I needed some space. James and Olivia didn't mind as they where too busy enjoying each others company before practice and Connor had deserted me for the running track. I got my bag, plugged my headphones in grabbed my drink and went off to English. I had a free and I need to catch up on my studies, All the parting and rugby games I was starting to get behind. I could of gone to art to paint but my painting was nearly finished. I went up the stairs of the English block. This is the last place anyone would find me to ask me about Abel or flaunt of how great the relantiship was. Mrs Smith wasn't in the room but it was unlocked it was unusual for teachers to leave the rooms unlocked if unattended, As I walked in swaying my head to the slow beat of the melody I was shocked to see Abel in my seat peering out the window tapping his pen against the desk. Oh shit I didn't think this one through ok breathe...

He didnt say a word but his gaze met mine. I took my headphones out I suddenly missed 'Lovley by billie Eilish' and stopped the playlist. While I was fumbling with the lead I hadn't realised that he was walking toward me and only stopped inches before our body touched. "I heard through the great vine about you and Lacey, I'm sorry. I tucked my phone away, he had a small smile on the corner of his mouth and he took another step forward I dropped my bag at my feet, his movements where slow I was backing away until I was pressed up against the bookshelf. God he was intense I didn't care that I had books pressing into my back as his tall stature was over me he held up one arm to the side of me creating a cage for me to be trapped in as it was above my head, His other hand was cupping my face his fingers stroking my cheek. The mere touch of him sent a raw sensation traveling through my inner thighs. "Are you sorry princess " his response was simple his tone was devilish. I shook my head "No..." my voice was weak compared to his

I stared down at the gold chain around his neck wishing I could be the gold shiny metal that hung tightly close to him. "No where to go rabbit," I let out a little whimper. He smiled knowing he had the upper hand.

"The moment you're pretty mouth opened You have haunt me".He took a breath "You drive me insane I want to do things to you and I mean bad twisted things to your perfect little body" He got even closer to me " I lie in bed thinking of how pretty you would look with my cum seeping from your cunt, then you go and make me jealous then I want to punish you" As soon as the last words left his lips they where pressed up against mine hard, was he pushing me .Pushing his body further into me his hands now snaked there way down to my waist and in one quick motion lifted me up on the edge of a shelf, the sound of books thudded on the floor but that didn't stop him. My mind flashed to the unlocked door anyone could come in and witness this. I let out a little moan and there was a grunt in his throat. He stopped and let go of my lips with a gentle tug on my bottom one. He looked up and down at me his eyes burning through me. Then he tugged at my pony and pulled it back so he could whisper In my ear "Carry on making noises and I will fuck you right here" he softened his grip ever so slightly enough for me to meet his gaze, my tongue licked my lips before I said his name in a quite voice almost a moan "Able..." his hand came around my mouth and pressed hard. "Don't say my name like that i'm already hard" his hand moved away, I paused for a second, fluttered my eyeliner down to his jeans and sure enough I could see his cock straining in the denim. Then I pushed a hand to his chest which was pounding but not as fast as mine "You can't blow hot and cold with me like this" I said "I am not a rebound or a toy". Abel then took my hand from his chest and kissed it "I want you, little rabbit" his face was now millimetres away from mine he kissed my forehead "Im no prince but Eve I would burn the world for you" I cut him of by placing a finger over his mouth silencing him before replacing it with my mouth kissing him my hands fumbling in his hair slightly tugging at it. " be my villain then, i am no princess" I breathed out. His smile was wicked. I was completely entranced by him now. Another new side of him sharing some light on why he has been so hot and heavy or given me the cold shoulder. I had no clue that I was on his mind. His hands wrapped back around my lower back tugged a little closing the small gap between us once more. With that I came undone to all the thoughts racing around in my head what the hell was I doing, this seemed like one of my dreams but slightly more electric.

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