Chapter 45

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There it was out in the open, I had said the one thing I swore to myself I would never say out loud. His hands dropped mine in a second. "Anymore?" His tone was hollow. The conversation I had played out many times in my head was about to happen and I hated myself that I let it slip in these circumstances. I sat down on the bench He still stood there. "The day you got up and left after the doctor told me about what had happened, he came back to tell me that I had had a miscarriage I was four and half weeks gone with your baby due to the stabbing" he was now the one wit with his hands in his hair "Eve I wasn't questioning your loyalty, why didn't you tell me" "Anger started to rise in both of our voices I stood up again a little to fast as I got head rush" I tried to tell you but you didn't answer, you didn't call me back, and I know now because of your phone breaking" I caught my breath. "It was my burden to bare after I thought you had broken up with me, Kerian came to the hospital said you needed time. "I never told Kerian I needed space or time" his voice turned to rage at the last piece of information. I continued to go on with my train of thought "Then the day at the beach thats why I had the rose. I haven't tell anyone else, I understands its a lot to take in I still have the results if you want the proof" "Eve I have always trusted you I don't need the paper work to tell me that I can see It in your eyes" He moved closer to me. "Able.... I...." My words broke into sobs. His arms came around me tight holding me up I wrapped my legs around his waist. The warmth was welcoming as I burried my head into him. This is like how he should of held me when the Doctors words tore my world apart.

Abel kissed my forehead and spoke to me so softly "Im so sorry Eve that I didn't protect you im so sorry that you went thought that alone" he held me for the longest time. I felt safe in his big arms again. "Im here now princess and I'm not leaving"

He moved us know back over to the bench I was now straddling his lap, His thighs where much comfy then the wooden bench slats. We where silent the air was silent. The music had drowned out and it was just me and him. All the pent up emotions I had held on to started to fade, I knew at some point I would let go all of the shit I have put up with my life would go. My head is screaming at me to stay strong. Thinking about how far I had gotten all on my own nobody could take that away from me, but my heart is ripping all of its stitches in his hold , my own little demons that I had created vanished in his embrace. He cupped my face in his hands. "Im so sorry Eve that I didn't protect you". I sat there motionless I just wanted to be us in this moment again. This was a moment in time that I didn't want to let go of just like when I first saw him. All of our moments together rolled through my head like a vintage camera film. And for the first time, I breathed while his hands held my lower back so tightly, our chested pressed together like one person. My Hands where wrapped around his neck just my fingers played with the small hairs on the back of his neck. He moved his head a little at my touch. I had no clue how long the feeling would last but it was just like the first time he held me after nearly tripping over the steps in English. All the bad thoughts I had everyday left me, it was like he was talking all of the darkness out of me, adding to his own. If he could do that just by holding me. He broke the quietness again, his voice was deep but had a sad tone to it. "Eve....Please....." His sentence broke before he could finished it he was moving closer to my face, at an aching pace but it was his way of reading my next move, I stayed completed still his hands moved from my lower back and held my face so pdelivtley. They moved my face a little to one side and he leant down and kissed my cheek. "Abel..thats not fair" I sighed as he kissed the other side. "Come back to me baby" I sighed "If you think I am going to let you go ever again, well Eve I'm yours as much as you are mine" He kissed my neck, down both sides, the warmth of his lips sent a shiver down my spine and I had to readjust myself on his lap. He sighed too as I gently brushed his crotch "All the demons you have are mine Eve, All the breaths you take are mine and if anyone hurts you I will raise hell" his kissed my forehead. "You will always be mine Eve" A tear fell rolling down my cheek. His eyes pierced through mine "Only you" I looked at him now straight on before I could say a whisper his lips where over mine, There it was the last wall came tumbling down. He kissed me as if the world was catching fire and he didn't care if it burnt as he had me in his arms.

My heart was about to combust in my chest. Hell my whole body was now truing agasint me, Wanteing his touch wanting his fingers to work wonders, I wanted his lips all over me I wanted him to rip the clothes of me so my body could be bare pressing up close to him. I was walking a very dangerous line . I moved my forehead away from his and he brought me straight back to him. " Abel...." I grunted his name at him in protest. I needed to give myself time to think, Abel didn't give me any time though his lips where back around mine and invaded my senses. Every ounce of control I had went as soon as his teeth dug into my bottom lip and tugged at it. I was surprised when he stopped kissing me, It was a rough kiss full of the passion we used to have there he was lightghting the match again, I guess a spark like that never truly dies. "You are my infinity Eve" He said that to me once in English class, the circles he would make on my thigh was actually the infinity symbol. "Your my infinity plus one" He was now rolling his eyes at me "Do you always have to win princess" he kissed my lips in a tender way "Yes I do" 

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