Chapter 15

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The next couple of weeks where filled with so many awkward moments and tension between me and Abel. What made it more torturous was how we would both blow hot and cold even after his heroic events that seemed like a distance memory. At the victory party he had his pick of girls, the whole team did to be fair. I sat on the kitchen counter top swinging my feet to the beat sipping my drink I was getting used to the sweet taste by now of the coconut rum, Connor was with me munching on some salsa dip. I had full view of Abel sat perched on the sofa beer in hand, with a stunning girl that dangled of his arm amazing figure, cherry lips and big eyes not that I was paying much attention. I started to relax more at The R house, Liam never came to these and if he did he would soon be thrown out, he still messages me daily though.

James and Olivia where busy hooking up practically in front of everyone on the dance floor ,when Connor left me for the beer pong torment, which meant I was left to watch the interaction between blondie and Abel. I felt jealous for a moment as she cuddled up next to him, until I was distracted by a very tipsy Jonny who had some sort of make shift rugby get-up on, he stumbled his way into the kitchen. "Hey good looking what you got cooking". He put his hands on my leg and starting drumming the rhythm of the music. "Hey J not much, you and me tipsy together could spell disaster" "If you can spell disaster il stop drinking" I shoved him "Looks like you will be drunk then". We giggled so much I swear the rum came out of my noise. "Oh Abel come join the party" Abel was now leaning up on the island watching me and Jonny make a fools out of ourselves. Jonny went on "You tapped that yet" Johnny has no filter "God she's fit, those tits I mean" Jonny made drooling sounds I hid my face in my hands. "Abel, Eve has a nice pair round and plump" Jonny was so dead, "Hey J Shut it" For a moment I saw Abels eyes drift down to where the neckline of my dress finished, I had a blue dress with a deep v neckline, I wanted to go a bit more daring as it was a victory party plus I didn't now if there would be any cute guys invited, and I knew deep down I was trying to impress the one. Who is currently starting at me up and down not caring If I catch him or not . "Il leave you two boys to discuss tits, later J" I hopped myself down. Before I passed Abel I put my arms on his neck and pulled him into me so I could whisper into his ear. "Your Girl looks lonely" I peered up at him, I could see his throat swallow. Able Rolled his eyes. "She's not my girl".I still had my arms around him "You have a thing for blondies do they suck cock good" Abel stared at me surprised I just said the word cock. "Princess, such a dirty mouth" "wouldn't you like to know"

He stood crossed his arms, as I swayed away to the music, the game we where playing was starting to get very dangerous. I dragged myself up stairs and flopped onto the bed.

I was in a dark forest being chased by a hooded man, no mater what I did I couldn't escape him then the words came. I even tried hiding behind a shrub but he still found me and he put a hand over my mouth and pushed me back to the floor. His weight of his body was straddling me holding me in his grip he bent down and he said in my ear just above a whisper 'I caught you little rabbit'

Something was dangling in my face "Bad dream Princess" Abel was hovering over me, his gold chain was just touching my chin, his hands where on my wrist above my head. "No" He made a low chuckle noise "Is that so little Rabbit" was I talking in my sleep again. Abel moved closer to me my chest became to thump. "Goodnight princess" then he was off me in an instant and I immednelty missed his touch. Should I call a truce with him stop the mind games or will he just enjoy the fact that I'm asking for him to stand down. No I couldn't let him win. 

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