Chapter 11

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"Hey Mrs I saved you a seat" Jonny patted the bench next to him "you look nice today I love you in jeans" he gave me his trade mark wink. "Yes thank you dear, wheres Connor" I take it practice is running behind the cones where set up some of the team where all spread out on the field sitting down "He is with coach" shit giving me no time to tell him what had just happened, Olivia would over dramatise it "Ok I will talk to him later" The whistle blew and Johnny jogged off. Olivia pealed her self of James and sat with me. We spent most of it with me trying to help her learn lines for the audition. She always used a blue highlighter for me which I adored, She was trying out for Ophella in Hamlet. I swear this collage had a love affair with Shakesphere. We had gotten to Act two when Connor came over. His kit in hand. I sprung off the bench and pulled him to one side. I hugged him deeply I told him everything, today showed the messages and the party a couple of weeks back. "You will move your stuff into the House no questions asked, could you just do this one thing for me" I was puzzled "Anything why?" "Follow me" He took me to where coach had a clipboard out and a stop watch "Coach I got Eve" I was still confused to why I was needed "Mia has broken her ankle and Lydia needs someone to push her, you where the next best time" even with Abel pulling his antics with me "Coach is there anybody else?" "Nope your it, you've got twenty minutes"

The whistle blew, and before I knew it the campus grounds where in the distance The forest path was damp and slippery, fresh puddles in the dips of the twists and turns it had become more of an assault course. "Run rabbit, run rabbit" Abels voice echoed behind me, I tried to speed up but of course I couldn't escape him that and I was getting a stich, He grabbed my arm and he took me of the path "Abel stop!, you will rip your panties" His grip was tight on my hand. He walked us nearly dragging me behind him the sea of people running where soon far off In the distance. He had me pinned on a tree trunk. "you like this don't you?" He leaned in "What this game you seem to be playing with me" he chuckled "Thats not what I meant, the game is for my benefit" he leaned in closer "You like the chase little Rabbit" I hate that he was right that he knew about that part of me. I shook my head. No body could see us we were far off the track. He moved closer to me "Admit it to me princess and il let you go" his arms kept there position above my head and the bark was hard on my back he didn't seem to care. "I got all day princess" he didn't let up on me. "Fine!Yes" "Good girl now was that so difficult" he was then gone. He was infuriating.

The finish line was a welcome sight Connor was waiting for me. Abel walked passed me "Well done Rabbit" After the cool down and another pep talk from the coaches I was soon changing out of the activewear back into my denim and tee combo. As I headed out of the gym I got a message from the group chat to meet

Olivia: How was cross country Did you have fun ?????

Me: Grand I hated it.

Not wanting to tell them that Abel had pinned me to a tree with his body, worked out one of my many kinks more importantly I didn't want to tell them that I liked it.

Olivia: I take the last statement back, nice knowing you Con

Me: Im still going to murder Connor.

Connor: Sorry!!!

James: Can you make it look like an accident

Connor: Hey!

Me: I will try.....but it will be slow 

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