Chapter 41

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I could hear the ongoing beep from a machine I could feel some wires attached to me and I had to blink a couple of times to adjust my vision, the walls where pure white I was clearly in a hospital room there where monitors around me patchwork curtains in pastel yellow and blue hung around my bed, I had a paper dress on and thin blankets over me, a man standing in a white coat with clipboard in hand. The throbbing in my head made me feel like my head was about to explode, my throat was saw and felt like sand paper and my side feels like I have been torn open. One my right there was a table with some beautiful peonies on it. I could see white uniformed bodies on the outside of frosted window but they all had there backs to me discussing something. The hair was pinned up perfectly.

"Eve" as the doctor continued going on I lost track of what he was saying, a nurse team followed in, The door shut behind them. I had a bright light in my eye and there voices started to become clearer. All the while I was scanning the room for Abel, no sign the chair sat empty at the end of my bed. I tried to get up to see more but a kind hand pressed my chest back onto the bed so I used all my power and shouted for him. The door swung open, The Doctor hurried to the door "Mr Miller we are just doing our checks you can see her soon" The doctor was pleading with Abel to stay outside "Mr Miller I will get you when we have finished" More wires got attached to me I cried out for him again my voice cracking "Abel" the machine started to produce a roll of paper with red lines on it. Abel swatted the curtain away and nudged the nurse who had hold off a cuff. He stood in his All black suit his sleeves where rolled up. He reached for my hand that had a grey peg attached to it. I immendatly wamred to his touch. "Abel" "Im here princess I'm here" His words started to sooth the noise in my head. I leant my head back on my pillow.

My eyes felt heavy again,

"Eve I will check on you in one hour your vitals look ok, use this button if you need anything". The Nurses left the room followed by and angry looking doctor. Abel moved the stool over and perched himself on it. He looked so tormented by the sight of me. "Are you ok?" I asked him scanning his face, His eye swimming with worry I looked down at the hand holding mine it was banged up around the knuckles. "Did he hurt you?" I failed at the one thing I wanted to protect most of all "Your asking me if I'm ok princess" He tilted his head to the side his eyes searching my face. I replied with a small nod. He came close to me our foreheads touching then he leant down and kissed my forehead his hand carefully stroking my cheek, which ached at the slightest touch. "I love you Able" "Ditto" My eyes got heavy again and I remember his touch lingering on my hand and my forehead before the darkness conseummen me.

"I was just going over her injuries with her. Eve would you like me to continue privately or would you like him to stay" I slightly turned towards him who was now sitting down in the stool he kissed me on the forehead. "Im not leaving your side Eve so he can say what he has to say with me here" the door swung open again with three people entering all smiling at me with a chorus of "Eve your awake,Eve how are you" I simply smiled at my fiends Olivia came in for a hug Abel not letting go of my hand, I winced at her touch as she hugged my tightly "Ouch!" she moved straight away "God i'm sorry Eve i'm just too happy to see you awake" the doctor tapped on his clipboard. "Can I remind you all she has been stabbed and had internal bleeding" His tone was sharp and direct to my friends he all stood alongside the bed "As I was saying we stitched you up and the the rest I will tell you when you have more strength" The Doctor stopped again and the man to the side of me looked broken. There was more the doctor had to say I could tell the way he scanned the documents and flipped over the page. My friends left wanting to give me some privacy

Able let go of my hand then scrunched up his fingers into tight balls again the motion twisting the blanket. "Hey I'm...." "Dont tell me your ok, I did this to you I taunted him" His voice was broken as much as they way he looked at me. "Abel" He kissed me on the forehead then wiped away his tears then he took his jacket of the chair and left. He held his head down not looking through the glass window as he walked passed the room. "Able come back"i sighed "Twenty four"I called out for him but he didn't return. The doctor clung to his clipboard a little unsure of what to do in the situation. I tried getting up to chase after him but the doctor was adamant about me staying put.

"Eve im sorry to tell you that due to your injuries that you lost the baby you where 4 and a half weeks gone" that moment my whole world imploded around me I wanted the ground to swallow me up I wished that I never woke up.

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