Chapter 28

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It's funny the expression time flies when you having fun but looking back now I would have to agree it has been a couple of weeks since that summer trip and we were all soon back into a routine of some sort. Classes where still boring, art was a breath of fresh air even though I wanted to throw my rose picture out of the window. The team won most of the games they drew two and lost one. Every game I would draw his number on my cheek and he loved the sight of me. Abel tried to explain the whole point scoring system to me on the way back, but gave up said I was to distracting as I shifted on his lap as the bus drove over the bumpy country roads, Between Abels explanation he also mentioned that they where in a good position. The only bad news was it meant they would have to face off again with that obnoxious team that twat number fourteen. Meaning practicing got more intense and went on for longer periods of time.

Abel agreed to meet with with his parents including his brother in the city for his mothers birhday for a long weekend. He just said it would all be fake smiles and icy atmosphere. With Able away and the team doing drills I spent the weekend at the dinner at our usual booth, I caught up with my studies had copious amounts of chocolate shakes while Olivia went through her lines. They have a new shake called Magic star which is pure chocolate heaven topped with whipped cream and those carton star faces scattered on the swirls.

As autumn air really started to take over, long gone where the summer dresses and sweaters took there place.The trees where turning a beautiful auburn colours with gold hints. I would wear layer upon layers of clothes cheering at the side line. Olivia was a dab hand now helping me paint twenty four on my cheek. Abel Came home early then expected coach was happy as the team where down two points so he played the rest of the second half like he was a man pumping a hundred different types of performance pills they way he ploughed into the men tackling them down. Im gusing that dinner didn't go well, as his face was a contest state of rage. One night Abel opened up to me about his past we were lying under the sheets he spoke about his childhood that He has one good memory of his dad playing catch with him, but then he got sick and sadly passed shortly after Abels birthday. Alice found it hard to cope with the boys by herself, getting her self through her degree and working two jobs. At first Carter was her prince in shinning armour took Abel to his rugby totrduemnts. But as Abel said every man has a dark side and Carters was the taste of brandy, One night he came home so off his face intoxicated with the vile drink that he had attctak Cole and Abel tried to stop him and that when the belt buckle came out. I put my hand over to his chest where the tiny red scars where indented and kissed him. Here we are now back the Rugby house, we haven't technqiully moved in but our stuff is. Olivia was putting up our wind swept hair readying ourselves to take on the guys again at a rematch of beer pong. We had to move the game indoors as the heaven opened again. We used it as an excuse to dash to the bathroom. Im very cosy in Abels shirt that I could pass as a dress as the material drowns me, I also have my trusty light wash jeans on and of course my white converse.

"Eve, Olivia come on you two" Connor banged on the bathroom door. "Ok ok we are coming" I chatted with Connor about strategy even though beer pong doses't take much skill. Apparently it was the game of the century, some of the away team stayed to party after Our little re match game turned into a tournament I paired up with Connor After Olivia was mad at being defeated again. The red solo cups where all in place and I was first to go Abel propped himself up on a stool next to Olivia not taking his eyes off me., I was getting hot so I had fashioned Abels shirt into a crop trop tiring the hem though the neckline. I had my game face on taking it way too seriously. As I leant over taking the first shot some wolf whistles and cheers came from the burly rugby players. Within a second Abel was at my side leaning over me pressing into my back and kissing my neck before giving me one hell of a kiss my legs wobbled a little. Like he was marking his territory with his gesture. Just like he did with Liam. He returned back to his seat now joined by Rob and James they looked deep in conversation, who knew how completive beer pong would be. The crowd had gotten bigger around the match, I could see that Lacey girl looking pretty in a form fitting dress and her perfect curls, I couldn't escape her at the parties I didn't want to be that girlfriend who had problems with any girl who spoke to Abel, hell if I where they would be no girls apart from Olivia left on the planet. I looked all hot and sweaty. Abels number is probably smeared over my cheek. I couldn't let her distract me no matter how much she edged towards Ables position in the crowd. The game went on back and forth. The beer taste wasn't my favoured poison of choice but I powered on though like a champ. Connor made the last shot roars and cheers erupted, through the noise of the crowd one of them pipped up "Dude we only lost because your little slut friend was using her tits to distract us" he thrashed down his cup. Spilling its contents over the table. Great another thing to add to clean up duty. I left Connors side, walked over to him furry blurring my thoughts. I pointed my finger at him "One i'm not a slut second we just beat your arse like the guys did out on the field tonight" I took a step back, he and his friends took a step forward "Got a mouth on you haven't you I wonder what else that mouth can do" I could hear some shouts behind me, loud yells echoed over the thumping music. Abel punched the guy straight in the chest knocking him away from me. Everyone stopped, My eyes still coming to terms what they just witnessed, it was a blur of his long arm swopping across in front of me then hearing a thud onto the ground. I had to grab Abel arm to stop him from going in for a second punch. Rob pulled the plug on the music "Party is over" he then came over to me, I was a sandwhich between Connor and Rob, Abel who was now squaring of at the guy face to face it looked like they where getting ready to brawl. I grabbed his hand again, his whole body was tense "call my girl a slut again and you will crawl out" he spat out the words full of rage his eyes had a look of protection over me. The guy didn't back away but made a threat to Abel. Big mistake "You wait till next game then we will see who gets the last punch" Connor of all people stepped in-between them "Leave now" the guy ushered to his teammates to go and they where soon gone. Jonny came through with ice wrapped up in a towel dripping water all over the floor, he also carried extra bottle of beers I put my arms around Abel's neck and pulled him in close our foreheads where touching "thank you" he hooked an arm around me "they disrespected you and no one disrespects my queen" I looked over to see Connor sat on the table with liv and James. Abel grabbed the ice from Jonny while I ran up and gave him a hug to "Your boyfriend would play a good rocky in a remake you know" I nodded my head in agreement. Planting my self down on the table to join him. I leant on him as we cheered our cups together "I think i'm going to give up at parties they never end well for me" he laughed "I couldn't agree with you more" looking around I thought it would be best to start the clean up duty I hopped of the table "Il clean up a little" I patted Able on the shoulder and went to grab some bin bags.

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