Chapter 31

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Two bright headlights beamed at me flashing on the verge the engine stopped and the bright lights dimmed. I rubbed my tired eyes and blinked. I must of dozed of a little, I didn't have a watch on so couldn't tell the time. The stars where still beautiful and bright agasint the darkness of the sky. Still Night, quite and silent. My eyes fell closed again.

The gate swung open clashing on the small metal railing.

"Eve!" Able hand stroked my face "Eve!" I fluttered my eyes open he moved back his footsteps where heavy through the damp fallen leaves "Thank god" "Abel" I straighten myself up I must of fallen of the swing as I'm cold and damp and in a pile of leaves. I sat back on the swing, it was dark and the only one street light flickered I didn't need to see his face to know the damaged expression the was etched over his features. he moved closer with cautain "Yes I asked her for those photos yes I was drunk but honestly I had forgotten all about them that's why I didn't delete them, I would never do anything behind your back or try to hurt you in any way shape of form" I turned away from him he went on. "here, it was all before you " he got on his knees in front of me in that moment he looked like a desperate man pleading for freedom. His knees where probably already damp, his phone screen was in my face, Yep no more messages and that slutty photo had gone "Able I have no problem with your past, I no I'm one of many in the line up of women you have had I think I proved that with dealing with your other issues on top of all of this. I just feel no matter how much I try I will never be good enough or fit in with the crowd i'm terrible at parties yes the sex is amazing but your my first I haven't got the experience like you how would you feel if I had someones dick on my phone your head would be swimming with the same questions mine is now" My chest was nearly on the floor after my rant at him. I realised this was our first fight as a couple I hated the way he seemed deflated I hated how the pit of my stomach felt like it was in knots. We went back and forth we both got our points across but we were both stubborn. "I cant fight here" My voice broke and I started to sob, I have shared every emotion at this park but I have never fought with anyone here before I never allowed for it to happen. I couldn't fight with him here I dusted of my jeans walked past the knelling Able he followed me, I stood by his car door waiting for him, he unlocked his car and we both got in He blasted the heater on which I was grateful for as my fingers where freezing the metal chain was like ice tonight. I hovered them near the fans, he took them his warm touch felted good which I hated, I wanted to hate him but I couldn't. "Eve your frozen" he took my hands one at a time and kissed them softly. I didn't fight him of this time. His touch felt good His ringtone went of After speaking with Connor he spoke to me I sat in silence "I'm pissed at you for driving while you where over the limit" His voice had a slight air of worry about it "My phone died" I turned to him and just looked at the man who sat before me. He knew he had fucked up royally.

Walking with a hangover was one thing waking with a hangover, pissed off and hurt was another. I rolled over in bed and instead of Abels tall frame was a rose placed on his Pillow no note but it was his way of saying I'm sorry I guess. God it was a beautiful rose just the the one from m sketchbook and my painting. Stepping into the shower was a welcome sensation as the water splashed of me I washed my hair twice, ran conditioner through the ends. To finish I squirted my peachy shower gel into my sponge and lathered my body. I thought of Abel how we would wash together, after rugby practice sometimes he would drag me into the boys changing room he would rub his hands all over my face and body slightly staining my skin with brown and green, only to insist he helped me wash it off. He was very through when it came to washing in-between my legs, he would move me just out of the hot downpour and ring out the sponge enjoying seeing the soap slip down my curves, he would then toss the sponge to one side and use his hands to massage the soap into my wet skin taking extra care around my inner thighs. My phone went of on the side snapping me back to reality. I turned of the shower wrapped a towel around me rang out my hair and answered it. It was unknown and they didn't speek they just breathed really heavily into it at first. "Looks like you got a thing for cheaters" I ended call slamming my phone back down nearly cracking the screen. I grabbed a thicker torquiouse turtle neck jumper and jeans then my very dirty converse.

"Tell me more on the way to track" Connor pulled up rubbing his head both him and jonny looked like shit more then me. The parking lot had other collage busses stretched over the slots. It was going to be a battle this year for sure. In the mix of it last nights shit I was polity reminded about today. Northgate held its yearly sports tordeument it was a day full of all the collage sports, a way for students applying to see what the collage showcase and a way of showing off. We invited out rival collage Neatherd to come and take part show good will and all. I grabbed my Sports gear from the back, As Mia's ankle was still on the mend my wonderful dead friend informed me just at breakfast this morning that I was up for cross country. Rob also owned up to his part of the nude photo. Oh great so the rest of the team knew but said nothing he just laughed it of saying "boys will be boys"

I saw my friends face beaming at me looking have happy to see me and half mad if that was possible. Olivia ran to me nearly leaping on me. "Don't you dare drive of again when you have been drinking and second don't do it again" She said as she squeed me tightly "Im sorry ok I'm sorry" "I forgive you il by you a marble cake today to cheer you up" Connor explained to me why he wasn't helping with the set up of events, he had punched Able so hard in the chest he had bruised his hand. I looked down at his purple knuckles. He wasn't going to miss out on the game though "You know you didn't need to do that" "Just be glad he still has a dick Olivia kneed him one so hard all the lads crossed there legs" I let out a laugh. The sport field was covered in different school colours all chanting waving make shift flags and banners. Olivia had her cheek painted, it felt weird that I didn't.

Some of the girls looked like ferrice competition, not that I was training for this as I thought I was off the hook but in some fucked up way Abel chasing me through the forest seemed to be worth something. I stood in line with Lydia she had a warriors look on her . The short shape blast of the whistle send us of the starting line, within moments there was a cheer and a roar from the Northgate crowd, which died down as I made my ways into the trees, through the forest bends the guys where playing dirty pushing and shoving each other, I managed to duck around them. The finish line was insight everybody got up on there feet as our team colours brightly made they way down the last corner. Of course no body was going to beat Ansel or Ruben they where gigantic with longer legs then a giraffe. I was more shocked to see that I had come third amoung the girls. Ok I was a little bit happy with the result, I was still planning on all the different ways I could murder Corner though. James helped even plan a few. The worst one being dying of starvation. When the bronze medal was placed around my head and I stood for the photo, I gave Lydia a hug who was smiling ear to ear. I ran to my friends in the crowd passing the thin medal to Olivia so I didnt lose it while getting changed.I turned to Connor. "that is the last time I ever run do you hear me young man" he sat in his chair with fear plastered over his face "Yes" "Good I'm going to go get changed"

My pony tail swung as I made me way down to the girls changing rooms, my god I was hungry. I grabbed the snack bar Connor had slipped into my bag this morning and mushed it. I nearly chocked on it as I saw Liam leant up on the door of the changing rooms. "Maybe you have a thing for cheaters, hows Lacey? Kept his bed warm for you " was this some weird Ex plan to get together and destroy us or just me. Then it clicked that he must of asked Lacey to do that last night if he had known about the photos as she said everybody knew he only had to manilplater her into getting onto his bed. I felt sick to my stomach. I had to call him out on it "so did you ask Lacey to strip down then?" He looked pissed like I caught him in his tangle web of lies. Now I was even more pissed but so happy that Abel didnt do anything with her I just felt said they the two of them had steamed this vile plan just for Liam to get back at me and Lacey thinking she could win Abel back. "I take that as a yes" I crossed my Arms over my body feeling another small victory for today. He didnt say anything but he moved out of the way and recoiled like a poison snake dose before its about to attack. His master plan didnt work though as he was terrible at keeping up with the lie. 

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