12. Reborn

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Liz -
what time is it humid was over but I have never felt more like it felt good to be with Chris and I kids as a new reborn of a family I've never felt more life and someways

I felt like I've always been been meant to be kick ass I've always been meant to be a kick ass girl and always been tough but however sometimes people is jealousy get in the way of your happiness should create ribs applies to make your life a living hell so they can create twisted fantasies.

I'm going to show these idiotically men who is your boss no one is going to take away me and Chris is happiness and especially no one is going to take away the kids.

I won't let anybody take away the kids I mean everything to me waking up and going to be my mommy is the best thing ever but again my kids hopefully vampire there's a thing called Havard which means to 50% human for me and 50%

vampire from Chan we're very lucky we didn't get anywhere pups in that process although we could've and Maddie's lucky to her daughter it's just a full-blooded vampire for some reason she is just a little bits and pieces of human see but we all know
Melody wants to be a full blooded vampire and I know she will be eventually so do Sunchin and Noori but .

I assured them everything takes time Dal it's completely content with just being a hybrid but I told him he could be committing that he wants and it's like he doesn't want to be but I told him he doesn't have to be anything he doesn't want to be it's just very hard because well you want your kids to be happy but you don't want them to be living on pin needles either oh my goodness.

I thought what is to come I've always been strong and I've always been kick ass but I feel nervous I just feel like they're over looking over a shoulder waiting to create a lie to pounce on this with and when they attack will be out numbered because knowing them they will just strike up and show it at any time we won't have time together witnesses but I think that's why Maddie's been MIA lately because I think she is getting the suspicion too and she's trying to go and follow up on people but then again .

I never know what I meant what Maddie is up to she's always one step ahead and it's scary because she does everything in choreography you don't really have a chance to catch up with her sometimes you wonder what is she doing who is she speaking with is she making plans or is she going back over to the other side no Shirley she wouldn't
Maddie wouldn't just go to the other side it's not in her vocabulary it's not in her nature Maddys too loyal just like my husband Chris both
loyal servant to the people they did work for for the times they were fine however their boss is greeting this is what made him
leave and then you cry little bit and you think okay I made it and I'll do whatever it takes to keep everyone safe.

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