27. Cough

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Liz -

oh no I thought it snows on the ground oh geez I hate this time of year it's almost Christmas
but I know as soon as snow sticks to the ground will have to face our fears and walk into the sun and meet with the people who are telling lies about our families it's very hard as a mother because

I don't want to have to give away my children to these medical people and have them be tortured or be turned immortal against their will and have them be taken away from me and told lies it's very hard for me as a mom to have to come to terms with that because I don't know what I'm going to do Chris tells me to remain positive but it's very tough .

I don't want to lose them and I don't want to have to kiss him goodbye the kids have gotten close with Jackson and Mike there very close together whoops Maddie had already murdered Mark Lee a few months prior due to his involvement and the scandal she had murdered him along the Canadian border

and thank God his murder went on saw they buried him today but I'm very happy because he knew entirely too much we don't even know how he got information on this so I'm kind of wondering if he was a hacker or some type of mass murderous I don't know what he was but

I'm happy Maddie got rid of him but the good thing about Maddie is when she murder someone she always makes it look like natural causes I don't know how to react when I see them the Valtori and  the claims are making about my children it's just sickening so I don't  know how i'm going to keep my cool because.

I'm a mama bear now which is really odd it's very odd of you know becoming a mom at this age and time and not thinking of the consequences of what it could bring but you don't think you're gonna be changed into an immortal character or

I guess figment of peoples imagination and I'm not going to say that we exist because it's very unfortunate that we don't exist in peoples mind and it's nice and that we get to you know do these things together I'm very blessed that we don't have to worry about anybody if we're lucky because I just want to cuddle my family and keep them safe are the Pines Way but unfortunately people won't let that happen so it's very tough and I want to cry .

I want to scream I want to just set fire to everything but that would be making a scene and we can't do that we have to we we have to remain calm and not do anything stupid because they want us to cause a fight so they can say that they were right about us and I'm not gonna let that happen I will fight to the end times for my family under safety nothing is going to come between us.

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