34. Forever

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Bri -
I love it we're all together at last and all happy we all don't have to worry about Ali or anyone anymore we don't

have to worry about about anything ever again we just don't have to worry about it which makes me very happy this year has been a lot on me being a newborn and going head to head against one of the most evil you know men in history we won against the leader of our you

know religion and one which is crazy but it's peaceful because no one has to lose a spouse to the mortality now and people you know when they're sick delusional minds have tried to take and destroy many lives I'm just grateful that it doesn't have to end that way.

I'm just grateful that we're all able to just sit back and relax and not worry about and not worry about silliness makes me feel very happy that we don't have to worry about silliness and you don't have to worry about anything at all anymore it makes me feel

happy that those days are over so you don't have to worry about much anymore my beloved now we can just be free and be happy and feel better about ourselves it doesn't have to be sad and miserable we got to live happily ever after with our family so it makes me feel a lot better these days and I feel less like insecure and sad and mopey I'm just happy the war is over and it's done and over with like now we can just be happy and float


I couldn't agree more my love we got rid of one of the most meanest brutal nasty covens
I think known to mankind and now that they're gone it's more so the fact that we are you know here and are able to get past it I am happy that The pain is over and there is no more pain or suffering everybody is free everybody is free to live life how they want to live life .

I we don't have to follow by any rules other than the no human policies but I think by us doing that way able to be happy and alive and not have to worry about anything so it makes it all the more special if you ask me just knowing that we get to live the rest of my lives free of them and their idiotic ways is gift enough to me if you asked me .

I am

just so happy that we don't have to worry about it anymore it's all going to be our I come back home and we to live together and be happy and free and that's the most important thing if you ask me my love I'm so happy that you and I get to live happy ever after I held very close to my chest as I rocked  her back-and-forth and continued to talk about forever.

I kissed her forhead and we laid back on the green grass where we first met all those years ago .

I smiled softly out her and kissed her softly as her and I continue to talk about the rest of our lives and what we would do next now that we don't have to live with fear  and worry there's no more pain just peace and we all lived happily ever after.

**** THE END ****

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