21. Hunt

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Some say in the world is going to end entire others say it's going to end an ice but I know it's going to end because of my stupidity and disagreements at times
I know eventually the higher ups will kill us I know the beltway is waiting for us I know that they are all waiting for us
Oli -
JooHeon ,Hyungwon ,
Minhyuk all of them are coming I know the redcoats are coming the redcoats are coming the redcoats are coming I couldn't help but think

I went through so much shit in my life only to meet with them once again I hated them.

I hated everything about them they were so ugly and so disgusting how do you run away from people who are trying to take away your time how do you do that I try not to think about it but it's hard you really try not to think about it and then you think well maybe I did something wrong in my past life to get this treatment but then you can do no nothing ever made those dick bags happy they were always healthy and puppy over something Maddie told me horror stories of when she used to work for them she still work for them back in the day as an assistant before she was even a mortal as they hate her for Maddie would tell me stories about how they would sync girls backstage and sleep with them but she tell me stories about Oli and his craziness she was a brave so through that and me .

I don't even know how

I was lucky to be saved I'm kind of thinking my hit man were attached to their stupidities but then again you never really know a person no one's actually ever dare for you no one's actually ever there for me but then again you just get over yourself and you really want to run away from the pain but then again you can't Hillary from the pain it's still there like a hot long stick of Barbwire and it just sticks down your Felton ferns you to the Chris everything burns and it's excruciating when I was being transformed I felt like

I had gotten chipped pushed in a trade a pet of acid and stampede by balls and then it felt like a little green men with stabbing that ends in my hand and feet and then it felt like

I have an elephant was sitting on my chest and then when I tried to scream it felt like a love it was pouring in my throat and I wanted to scream at so bad in my head was on fire not to make it worse I had these white head blisters popping up and I couldn't tell anybody to scratch them and when I woke up .

I was lucky to have people there with me I remember when I met Maddie lives in Curran they were nice girls but I bonded well with Maddie she reminded me much about myself about how you kind of feel left out and then people come and help you so then you feel better and you feel less like you failed at life Maddie told me all the stories of her early years when she was sick and in the hospital she said going through the experience turned the world upside down not to mention how she was treated afterwards.

I'm surprise she's lasted as long as she did because if I was her I don't know what I do lots of people ask Maddie how she hadn't committed suicide before hand but she would've gotten murdered anyway had it not been for Felix and Chris finding her .

I mean I don't know why people hated her that much skipper guys decided they were going to pull her hair one night and beat her to death then they all tried to assaulter .

I felt it on that one anyway I'll never really forgive the people who hurt me but let's just say I got my revenge on them one by one and I thought pretty kick ass.

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