2. Burning

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We're going to die plain and simple we're all going to die one day but I don't think anybody thinks they're gonna be slaughtered by an army ha ha I thought I chuckled that's just my luck because my friends were careless and are early lives they all make careful decisions and got themselves killed at very engagess so now rob vampires to make matters worse I know I've mentioned this before but what if we had kids I thought he was alive right now .

I thought is hottest the sexiest man named April Korea he got it for five years in the world all the girls wanted to be with him but how could anybody be so silly I thought I love my friends dearly and I would never want to bash them but sometimes you have to think what does a person do to you know get this fine life huh I thought I remember my friends were telling me their death story long period time and I felt kind of nauseous I mean what type of person would marry a man they just met .

I need to stop me and my bashing oh I hate to do it but sometimes I don't realize I'm bashing someone and it's weird because I'm not a nosy person but I think about the virus I think about the people who came from basically nothing you know rags to riches of the world and they go off and they get out of this horrid situation but then they may fuck it up by cheating on their new loved one and then they get all huffy and puffy one of your when I ask you for a divorce like excuse you you're allowed to move on without you you dumb bitch I thought.
I thought of the teacher that I murder games prior to this for her hypocrite hypocrisy the bitch had cheated on her husband that was bullying everybody in the class because she was so sad and miserable I guess you're sick my thought after 20 years she would get to go back to her old husband well

cancer well ex-husband and her kids wanted nothing to do with temperature eating feel happy when he did leave her a single penny hypocrite I thought chicken had all the money if she would've just been faithful because cancer is a natural cause of death unless it's bad on by something so tragic by I don't know toxic fumes are movies that but 90% time cancer is just eight it's just a preventable yes and it's very unlikely that someone would die of cancer any other way I thought I had cancer see you think that would be my closet debt but now I suffered for 22 years I wanted to end everything at 22 though but I didn't I can't suicide I thought maybe I was a better plan for me but who knows I remember looking at Felix as he slept and I ran by blocks with his beautiful blonde hair he really was an angel he had already saved needs so many ways but who knows with how people are going these days.

I just really want a happy life with him I don't want it to be taken away Honey and his   rational irrational jealousy
do you want paranoia about the best of him because well if you ask me he had already been asking for his own death in a way do you unhide no A jackass in his partner in crime Shawnou very clueless about these things and Minnie well he was just as bad the idiots created immortal children and they took out an entire village there the reason that hey birds show all having children to this day because of va the accuracy it's very hard because if all we want kids had I known the laws about vampire diaries did I do now I would've been more cautious I think back to my 17 self . all the time I tell her she did nothing wrong but it's very very hard to tell my friend Liz that I have to hide her every year in case to buy to a come back for us but I tell her not to worry there is an about Tori in this world they only exist in books correct oh no I thought twilight saga all over again that's hilarious I mean who are the actors like that I made your childhood dream of becoming a vampire you wanna date more constantly but I didn't realize vampires exist in real life .

I guess it's just so taboo you have this one definition of a vampire should look like you would think that we would have the red eyes and have things but we don't it's very hard for me to explain to my daughter what everything it was a monster is how do you tell your daughter you're a monster without her flabby school or people thinking you're crazy because truthfully there are vampires in this world and I just never knew it up until now you think the fictional like Snow White and the seven dwarves I know what you're thinking Maddie they talk well yes but that's with your voice actor you've never met a real light vampire have you OK stop with the mumbling and stop chattering Felix can hear you a mile away set up voice oh Chris I didn't know you were up here.

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