28. Liar

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I was running against the valley trying process and it came up my strength for the battle that I knew us to come I looked up and at my beautiful boy but he was too busy chasing after snowflakes and sign up to catch him with his father to really pay attention to itemize.

I felt kind of disgusting how did we get here how do we get here based on someone's lies how can somebody be that evil that they could try to ruin somebody's life just because they were jealous it's very tough to believe that this is due to not getting with this person wanted to marriage it's really tough to take a stand and realize that this person didn't get what they wanted in life so they had to make up stories to get it it really sickens me that it's come to this it's come to the point where we can't even go out and be ourselves anymore due to somebody's hip hypocrisy it really sucks because you really want to believe that everybody's good in the world but then you realize everybody's a liar and that they would do anything that they want to destroy your happiness and well being .

I mean I've had people to put me down my entire life but then again nobody really knows the danger of someone until you're in the we lies and keep on yourself well you you made it and you have to keep on you know doing what you do so it's very pleasing to have times like this but you often wonder when

I get time like this forever will they be more precious moments or is it all going to come or is it all going to come crashing down I didn't know what to do I had so many unanswered questions that.

I wanted to ask and so many on the easy things that though I wanted answers to I just knew I wasn't gonna get them so I stopped crying about it you wonder am I ever going to get a happy ever after am I ever going to come get out of here alive well.

I don't really know what I want I mean I know what I want and I know where my dream is but I just wanna live peacefully with my family but I guess in a time like this that's too much to ask I'm sick of people abusing their powers of authorities to just take it away because I want to live happy with him and not have any worries.

I went to see him grow for a little bit of time he has luck with us I know he will become good used to a tribe and Bizzle it's about the birds and how they can help others do it by doing good .

I will miss my little boy very much when that time comes but I will do anything to keep him safe and out of times way even if that means .

I have to give him away to drive due to the redcoats and or selfishness but I'm praying I don't have to give my little boy away to China
Or tribe in

Brazil they have answers
and Faith Hill I worry about all the time I'll have with them do to keep this foolishness but

I know tomorrow they have to go meet those little sucker redcoats but it's a lot to deal with and I'm trying to stay after the mystic but I'm not really holding my breath I know it'll all be OK I thought will be OK and will get to live happily ever after.

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